MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > People who have issues with subtitled mo...

People who have issues with subtitled movies

It always makes me laugh when I hear people say they refuse to se foreign films because reading subtitles takes them out of the story. Then you have a big Hollywood studio film where a quarter to half of the script is subtitled and no complaints. Americans especially, of which I am, are missing out on SO many great films because of this. So sad.


I'm American and I've seen a lot of foreign movies, I prefer subtitles than dubbing. Somehow everything sounds better in original language. As a teen I watched many Spanish soap operas and Japanese anime so I'm used to it.
I think the last subtitled movie I saw was the French Beauty and the Beast.


You are the exception


I have no problem watching fully subtitled movies. In fact I own a good few, especially the Chinese martial arts movies.


Subtitles take me out of the movie as well. The visuals of a movie are important to me. I want to enjoy that. If I'm constantly reading subtitles I miss out on other things a movie has to offer.

If I don't speak the language a movie is in I prefer a dubbed version over subtitles. There usually is a dubbed version for my language market so it's not that big of a problem for me.

If watching with subtitles is the only way to see a good movie I will do that too, but I totally get the "takes me out of the movie" argument, because it's true.


How about learning to read faster?


If you're going to watch a drama, subs are fine, but watching a CGI action fest movie in subs when there are other options is stupid.


In Assassin's Creed there were subtitles only in no-action parts, the action was either slowed down a bit when they appeared, or the character speaking was shown which means his face, not action. So you could miss nothing if reading them.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Americans... they arnt called the stupidiest ppl in the world for nothing
