MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > I think where they went wrong

I think where they went wrong

I'll start off by saying I've played all the games and I quite enjoyed the movie.

I think though where they went wrong was assuming all people going to see this have played the games. Yea that was their target audience but the constant in seeing from the critics is that they don't get it or there are too many unanswered questions. To me, instead of making the movie less than 2 hours, maybe they should have added just a bit of time explaining things a bit more for the non creeders.


That said I thought things were explained fine but to the non-gamer maybe things were a bit vague and confusing.


you might be right, I'm a fan of the games and I think the plot was clear and engaging. The only thing I didn't like it's general look, some scenes were too dark to the point it was difficult to see what was happening. Maybe the lack of some humorous lines, just like in the game to lighten up a bit thing would make this even better and definitely some more time to know better Cal, we really don't know anything about his personality,this may be only my opinion but how can you love a character if you don't know anything about them?.... however I liked the movie and I really hope it gets a sequel.


Yea I agree. We didn't get a chance to really get to like Aguilar. i guess in that sense he was more like Altair. No real connection felt imho


I liked it too . From now I wouldn't even check rotten tomatoes ratings for any movie, it's just garbage. Not the best movie ever but still very enjoyable.Yes action sequences could've been choreographed better


Haven't seen it quite yet but I would say that where they went wrong is setting most of the movie in the Present Day. The Present Day is *NEVER* as interesting as the historical parts of the games!


Most of the action is though set in the past...

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **
