Simply awful

I didn't expect much but it was really...bad.

The worst thing definitely was the history rape they have done: the Templars were persecuted and dissolved by the King of France Philip the IVth and Pope Clemens the Vth in 1307, their last Grand Master, De Molay, and other two top templars were burned at the stake like the assassins in the autodafè. Ironically the masonic legend says exactly the opposite of what this movie supports: they were supposed to be freethinkers that later morphed in the Rose Croix to become masons, inspire the American and French revolution, and promote democracy.

They also raped the story of the assassin's sect, that was extremely interesting and could have been used as background for this game:

How stupids the writers of this movie were?

P.S. Colombo was a knight of an order related to Templars, to sweeten the pot.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


You do realize this movie is based on a video game series, right? Not on the historical Templars or Assassins...


Do a movie based on a videogame should automatically suck or rape history?

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


True, but that "alternate history" concept they have with the Templars and Assassins is pretty much the core concept of the game. And the game and the movie never presented itself as historically accurate, its more in the lines of a lot of hollywood movies like National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribbean, or Robin Hood.

It asks you to just go with it for the story to work. Now, if only the general plot and dialogue worked, it would have been at least bearable...



About the resolution, it was your theatre to blame, not the filmmakers. It was shot and presented from the most high-resolution digital cameras in the world, Arri Alexa 65, and was edited in 4K.

Nolan, I love you forever!



That doesn't matter with poor lighting and color grading choices.


It's hard to decide which was worst, this one or Suicide squad.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


I agree. I wasn't expecting the movie to be 100% historically accurate, but I didn't expect to be so ridiculously biased and historically innacurate either.


Maybe you should learn anything about the movie you are going to watch before bashing on it after the viewing? If you went on this as on a movie based on the real historical events, then I don't even know what to say...

Nolan, I love you forever!


Maybe you should learn that there are people like me who actually WATCH movies before judging them.

If I were a writer of the game or the movie I would have done a better work, there actually are quite a few of videogames with DECENT plotlines based on historical events.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


Maybe you should learn anything about the movie you are going to watch before bashing on it after the viewing? If you went on this as on a movie based on the real historical events, then I don't even know what to say...

The movie is based on the events of 1492 Spain, which are real historical events, and if they were going to base part of the movie on real historical events, they should have stayed true to them, at least for the most part.


Yeah templers and free masons promote freedom. Just lol at your stupidity you dumbass


The series the film's based on already desecrated history. Expecting it to go back to giving 2 sh*ts about history is expecting wayyyy too much of Hollywood and Ubisoft.


That's right, the problem is the videogame's concept is bad enough, so the only way they would make a decent film was to change the game's premise which would've angried the fans.


It seems realy hard to entertain people this days, everything must suck or be great there is no middle ground, this movie is clearly no masterpiece but for me it was entertaining enough. People should stop with this view of things and just relax and watch the damn thing and stop analysing it so much, seems like everyone is a critic these days
