MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > PG-13 RUINED THIS MOVIE, Absolutely disg...

PG-13 RUINED THIS MOVIE, Absolutely disgusting by the director

PG-13 ruined this movie. Take one of the most violent known game franchises out there, neuter it for no reason and them surprised why it hasn't gotten the good ratings? No blood, hardly any cursing, and they couldn't even show people dying, every time someone was about to die the would flash away from the screen like some bad action adventure movie for the 90's in the WalMart 2.99 bin. Either make it realistic or don't. Director shouldn't be allowed to direct if he is so scared to make a rated R film give it to somebody who has the stones.


Yep, the PG rating went a long way towards killing this movie. There may have been other factors at play as well, but the rating was the root cause of its overall cr@piness. I wouldn't blame the director though, the rating would have been predetermined before he came on board.



Your right. Whoever the studio head that made that decision was shouldn't be allowed to work in Hollywood again. Imagine a proper rated R adaptation of this with 80% of it set in the past and only 20% in the Animus. We could be looking a MOTY contender if that happened. Instead we got this piece of crap. This movie will ruin everybody's career whose name is associated with it. It's going to be one of those type of movies. Nobody looked good in this, the writers and odd out of place dialogue, the wooden acting at times, the decision to make only 1/10th of the movie about actually assassins. Everybody deserves an F on their report card for this movie.


Raiting wasn't a problem. Game have mature raiting but that's not R raiting in movie. Game is 100% PG-13. No sex, No cursing, hardly any blood. Any violence in this game is Pg-13, hell, even low PG-13.
"couldn't even show people dying" this isin't problem with raiting - it's studio and director being brain dead. Do you watched Casion Royale? It's PG-13, yeah - torture, destroying man balls, suicide, killing people left and right - it's PG-13. This year for example X-Men Apocalypse - There was river of blood in one scene with Wolverine going ape *beep* There is many more examples PG-13 movies being more violent than AC games ever were.
But you have to know what you doing. This movie looks like they were going for PG raiting, not even PG-13 and they berely got this PG-13.
Raiting didn't ruin this movie - everyone else did.


Agreed. They should've made this in the same way as Deadpool. PG ratings kill movies with mature content, like one based on being an assassin haha.


Definitely. This movie had no edge. Like a neutered and de-clawed animal.


I don't understand the movie rating either. Why make a movie 12A (UK) when the games are mostly 18? They made a movie for people who can't even buy the game. Making it 15 or preferably 18 they could have made a much better movie.

Thought the movie was okay and it kept to the fundamentals of the game but there was a lot missing, notably gathering intelligence and stalking.
