Ac franchise in danger?

Havent seen the movie. Will probably rent it in the future or buy cheap.
Played all the games though.
Seeing how this movie seem to be a really really huge flop in both quality and you guys think there is any danger this might impact the next ac game?
Maybe it might be time to make a few more games and then retire this franchise?
It was never meant to be more than 3 games anyway right?


I doubt the movie being a piece of crap will hurt the game. If anything true AC fans will want to get back to good AC content and forget they made this abomination.


The game was kindda dead to me after Desmond die. Some probably disagrees, but to me the story outside the animus is just as important as the ones inside. Now we're just playing as a nameless mute, not my idea of good story telling.


This. *sigh* huge build up with Desmond ending... then kind of meh with the stuff after


While AC 3 and Unity were not as well received as most entries in the series, Syndicate had a good reception. Assassin's Creed: Empire will be the next major game. The ancient Egypt setting will probably help with the gaming audience. The most important thing for it will be how good it looks prior to release and also what kind of early impression it leaves at release time.

A key reason why Ubisoft reduced focus on the Prince of Persia series, as well as why they moved AC beyond a trilogy, were due to the high sales of the series. Prince of Persia, is, however, a good series too, especially the Sands of Time and Two Thrones.


You haven't seen it but you said it was bad?


No i havent seen it. Hence the words "seem to be....."
Its usally correct what most people think about a movie and i wont like the movie simply for being ac. Havent seen a single positive review on youtube so far.


The next game is already in development, so no, the franchise is not in danger, at least in gaming field.

They cannot retire the franchise until they successfully close it up. They have to conclude this all by a final battle between the alliance of Assassins and Templars and Juno. They've said they already know how to finish this. The question is, how many games are still to come until the conclusion.

Nolan, I love you forever!


They're going to milk this series until nobody buys it anymore then they're going to reboot it and do it all over again.


Well it would be as stupid as rebooting Harry Potter or The Lord of The Rings films. I doubt they'll reboot such a massive product as Assassin's Creed franchise.

Nolan, I love you forever!


If it fails someday. Sure they will. Let it lie for a few years, then bring out the new and improved Assassins Creed with a fresh setting and different gameplay. Like Tomb Raider for example.


Let it lie for a few years, then bring out the new and improved Assassins Creed with a fresh setting and different gameplay.

That's exactly what Ubisoft is doing right now. They skipped 2016, and maybe they will skip this year as well. They try to find an entire new game design for this franchise.
Since the release of Assassin’s Creed Unity, we’ve learned a lot based on your feedback. We’ve also updated our development processes and recommitted to making Assassin’s Creed a premier open-world franchise. We’re taking this year to evolve the game mechanics and to make sure we’re delivering on the promise of Assassin’s Creed offering unique and memorable gameplay experiences that make history everyone’s playground.

It's really hard to expect such a huge game fail, at least financially. It's like expecting Marvel movie or StarWars movie to do so.

Nolan, I love you forever!


There are very strong rumors that the new game is going to be a launch title on the switch which comes out mid March.


I'm sorry but AC is not a massive product.Even Call of Duty is trying to reboot itself with every stupid game until they finally decided to just release the first one again. So there is a possibility it will be rebooted. God of War is getting a reboot into the Norse mythology.

AC should have stuck with their initial idea of 3 games to cover the story arc but with every story arc there was another one or 2 games on the side that everyone had to buy to continue the story. Ubisoft got really greedy and lost the plot and to back that up, they are continuing the franchise even though Desmond is dead.


games are crap, so the movie might be too.

black flag was the only game that kept me interested for more than 3 hours..

i will watch the movie at some point, with low expectations.


Ubisoft still has a card to play. Feudal Japan. Fans would go crazy if they did an AC on it.


Assassin's creed with Samurai's would bring back a ton of fans who have been waiting for something fresh feeling in the franchise.


By "fresh" most fans mean not just the new setting, but rather the whole new game design, which was basically the same in almost all existing games of the franchise. Only Black Flag featured something new enough (ships) so this game has so many lovers.

Nolan, I love you forever!
