MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Written for American audiences

Written for American audiences

It should do well there


Looks like you have typed this same type of *beep* on multiple movie message boards. Get a life kid.


That's who has the money... Jealous?


Don't see why. And I'm German.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Well I'm also European and majority of 21st Century Hollywood films i can barely last for 10 maybe 20 minutes before I have to turn it off. I lasted 15mins with AC so I assumed it was Hollywood.


It's not doing terribly well in America


Most Video game films are actually written for an international audience. This movie will make far more internationally than it does stateside, just like Transformers, ID4 resirgence, and Warcraft. They bank on foreign boxoffice. That's why movies like that are more style over substance. Whitty dialogue and deep moral allegories don't translate well but mindless action translates to any language.


America has great taste and tremendous amount of money and its a correct business model to secure that audience. Take foreign markets, no one cares about the BO if Norway or Iran, these people don't have any money anyways.

Real Americans Protect Israel

America Must Invade Iran & Russia NOW!


NEVER!! You evil central bankers are DOOMED!!

Lord Trump shall nuke the ENTIRE PLANET with his Big Red Button and only we, his loyal mutant legions from central NJ (we're immune to radiation cuz of 50 years of adapting to all the toxic and nuclear waste dumps over here) will survive and bud off countless tentacled offspring whom we shall then insert inside pepper-pot-shaped Mark III travel machines with a plunger sticking out the side (plungers are very useful cuz toilets are always getting clogged, ya know?) and then head out to conquer the universe!

Once we figure out how to get rid of that meddling Doctor, that is.


Uhm... it's failed in the US... but is doing well in Europe.

Guess who the idiots are now? >:]

