MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > For all it's story flaws, I loved the mo...

For all it's story flaws, I loved the movie.

Sure you can find flaws like, why were there real assassin weapons in the Abstergo corporation base where they are holding real assassin descendents? Or what was the purpose of showing Callum's parents at all? They literally contributed nothing except creating some drama.

For all it's bad things, though the movie took me back to the glory days of Assassins Creed. The inquisitors, Templars, Assassins, Brotherhood, the incredible set pieces. Cathedrals, THE APPLE OF EDEN!! Everything that i loved about the games was there in movie. And I loved it's animus version. "Everything is true, nothing is permitted". Oh god, the movie made me think about going back and play the first 4 games all over again! Found a lot of flaws, but overall, I cannot believe the movie is getting the thrashing.

Definitely one of the finest video game adaptations. Loved every frame of the film. Sure it has a some plotholes in story, but the movie stayed true to the assassin's lore. And the best part I thought of the movie, was that they kept the memories entirely in Spanish, and did not just put them in English. That added so much depth in the ancestral memories! A lot of movies avoid the local language just because of wider audience.

You can call me biased and say I enjoyed it because I already know about Assassin's creed. But I took a non gamer friend with me, and he absolutely loved it too. I later told him all the thrashing the movie has been getting and he was shocked as to why this movie would receive bad reviews.


I liked the movie and I never played the games. My husband who has played the games said he really enjoyed the movie. Thought that of all of the video games turned movies, to him this was the best.


I share the exact same views as your husband.


So Op your a game player and you liked it? I can only assume his parents were there to help explain why Cal became who he did. But honestly I could have done without the parents, especially at the end.
Over-all I enjoyed the movie as well despite the questions I had.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


As a fan of the AC franchise, up until they went and started putting random plots in games, I was actually blown away by the awesomeness of the film.
