MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Worst movie I've seen in over a year

Worst movie I've seen in over a year

Everything that makes AC games good has been thrown out of the window. I really like AC games and I've played almost every installment. But this movie is an abomination that should be forbidden.

First of all the movie is set in present day for about 90%. Which is the setting for the most boring, dragged out nonsense you will ever hear. They changed the animus for a weird interactive claw that made it look ridiculous. I don't know if they had the urge to make it look interactive, but there was absolutely no need for it. In the Matrix people that are plugged in lie perfectly still and no one ever found that too stale.

Worst of all, the scenes that were actually in the past keep cutting back to Cal in present day looking like an idiot fighting holograms in present day.

And don't even get me started on the acting. It is absolutely terrible. I've heard people in the audience laughing at scenes that were supposed to be super serious.

I am happy I work at a cinema so I could go for free. Even though I would have liked to spend my night in a different manner. But I hope I save people some money by sharing my feelings for this piece of garbage.


I really had to recover from that arm nonsense. Wow.. that was really bad. Also the constant back an forth during combat was really annoying.

And let's not forget the "finale" where you don't see the apples real power nor the combat we all though we would see. It feels really rushed and the whole sequel thing could have been avoided


Completely agree. I didn't even talk about the finale because there was too much crap to go through before that. the finale was completely lackluster too. After the breakout of abstergo I thought it would be over. my friend then laughingly told me that there was still 30 minutes left. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. Absolutely rubbish.


It was bad but not the worst movie I've ever seen, not close. I honestly expected more from this movie, the trailers seemed like it was going to be a fun ride. But I don't know what fox was does feel rather rushed and kinda misses out on the good parts of the games, maybe video game movies will forever be bad. God help the Mass Effect movie.


You must have missed Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad. If you take it as separate from the game series it's not that bad.
