MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Jeebus H Christ - this looks astonishing...

Jeebus H Christ - this looks astonishingly A W F U L

My god, what the hell have they done? This looks like an indie film class project.

I wasn't expecting much when it was announced, but after watching the behind the scenes, I am literally speechless.

The casting. The source material. The story. I just can't even...

Add this to the list of utterly epic fails of video games to movie adaptations. They swore black and blue they would do it justice but there is simply no coming back from what I've seen so far.


There are literally broke Comic Conners and Cosplayers with more authentic looking assassin outfits. Fass looks like he's wearing someone's doona cover.


Uwe, is it you?

Nolan, I love you forever!




In a few months we will know if this is the first succesfull video game adaptation, or just another failed attempt.


What? It looks damn amazing! I played every ac from 1 to syndicate and i absolutely cant wait after seeing the trailer and all pictures


Here comes the fanboy for whom anything with the magic words "Assasin's Creed" on it is automatically great.....


Careful.. MasterAltair is one nasty troll and he's gonna try to rip you a new one for saying that, lol!


LOL this guy can't take da heat so he ran away like a *bleep*
gb2/reddit/ *bleep*




LOL op was right 16% on RT and PG13


Of course I am right. Blind Freddy could see I would be right. I'm no hater.

I am THE BIGGEST AC fan you could possibly meet. I've played them all and found something to love about them all. But still, I call a spade a spade. Anyone could see they were going to ruin this as soon as they casted Fass. And again, I like him. But he DOES NOT fit into this universe.

Then they started changing the source material - as always - and it's all downhill from there.

The reviews are telling. They're calling it the worst movie of the year. The biggest flop for years. Possibly career ending for many involved. And that it somehow finds a way to let down EVERYONE from fans of the games, to movie goers and action hunters all at once. I won't even waste the money nor time going to watch it - and again, this from a diehard AC fan.

Everthing about it screamed / screams / is awful. And the big name cast can not save bad material no matter how hard they try, or don't.

All they had to do was stick to the faithful source material THAT WAS THE REASON PEOPLE ENJOYED IT, and kick off with an existing character instead of making a new one.

They'll never learn...

And the fanboys can defend this all they want. It is an absolute disaster.
