MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > How do people give 10 star reviews on ga...

How do people give 10 star reviews on garbage

Originally figured my boys would want to see this as like the game. But figured it sucked but saw a lot of good reviews so we decided to go.

People in reviews actually wrote great effects and action scenes along with good plot.

Well flashing shake camera scenes for 10 minutes .... could barely tell what was going on. I hate when the just film action scenes or fights real slow and then just speed up the film.

Guys jumping from building to building and magically having bad guys just popping up waiting for them. ridicoulous.

But I sat through it after almost falling asleep as "plot" was so bad. But hoped at least my sons liked it....Nope.

My 17 yo who has played all the games just sat there after movie speechless shaking his head. Finally what the hell was that.

My younger son was like that was the worst movie I had ever seen.

So if you cant even semi please your target audience it was a piece of garbage.


Fanboys blinded by fanboyism. They layed out a 10 before ever watching the movie.


Because some people despite what you think like movies


'Liking' a movie doesn't mean it deserves a 10.
Seriously, when did numbers stop meaning anything?

10/10 is for masterpieces. Cinematic perfection.

If you like a movie, great, give it a 7, 8 maybe. 7-8 is still good. 6 is good, with some pretty big flaws


There's no such thing as perfection. People can like things that other people don't like. We don't have to always abide to what "you" think is right against what everyone else thinks about the movie. You don't like the movie, fine. No one's stopping you...but telling people they shouldn't like it, because of what you think of it, you aren't given the right. You can talk trash about the movie all day long until your fingers bleed, but telling people they shouldn't like it because it's not your idea of "a perfect film" is beyond your control. Don't waste your time with people you can't change.


I give very few 10's ... Like has to be all time great.

Not some CGI ... shake camera ... useless 10 min chase scenes that just end with no purpose or reason.



There's not that many 10 out of 10's actually. If you look at the IMDb rating, it's already dropped to 6.5 and I've seen quite a few reviews from fans who were disappointed. By your reasoning, Warcraft was actually a better game movie than this because a lot more WoW fans were kind of happy with that than there AC fans who are happy with this. Some people give it a 10 out of 10 before seeing it and then change their rating later on.


No I was referring to actual user reviews that have 10 stars plus actual review that says great story, acting etc.


Because fanboys always vote 10 out of some misguided idea that they need to "defend" what they like from those that dont like it. Thats why an average movie usually have a rating of around 7, and why you can never trust the imdb ratings of movies with a fanboy following until a year or two after release when the rabid fanboys are outnumbered by normal people rating.


They're fanboi's or children ... or both


"How do people give 10 star reviews on garbage"

They click on the rating system and then select 10.
