MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Confirmed flop, sequel won't happen

Confirmed flop, sequel won't happen

Sad 


Confirmed means you have a source. So source?


There is no better source than the gross. It only made 22 million domestically, 36 million worldwide, and the budget was 125 million. Going by the general rule of a movie needing to make at least double the budget (250 million), it's safe to say this movie will come nowhere close.


Good that means next time the studios will be smarter about it. This game is too big to let it go. I still support a Netflix show!!!!


That actually means there won't be a next time. If they end up losing millions of dollars on this movie, why would they try again? It's too big of a risk and likely would bomb again. That's why we aren't getting a fantastic four sequel. It was announced at first, but once the film flopped it was taken off their schedule. No money means no sequel.


The foreign grosses on Box Offcie Mojo only show how much it made in Turkey though, it hasn't even opened yet in most foreign markets. I don't know how much they'll add to it though, I suspect that it should at least make over $100 million worldwide by the time it leaves theatres thou it might not be enough to make it's money back.


Might not? Come now, DrNude, it's over rover. Ass Crap is DOA and only a fool would claim any different.


Why do think I give a crap about the movie or the franchise? I know nothing about the games nor have I ever played any of them, the only reason why I wanted it to succeed is because I wanted the genre to succeed but your comments mean *beep* all to me even it tanks. At least Warcraft did well in China and that's a franchise I care about.


Get a life already lol holy *beep* I check this board every couple days and there you are, spewing your "asses crap" comments.


That actually means there won't be a next time. If they end up losing millions of dollars on this movie, why would they try again?

Just because it doesn't do well at the box office, doesn't mean they can't try again years later as a cable drama. Daredevil (with Ben Affleck) didn't do well at the box office. Yet it became a made for cable drama years later. There is a lot to be mined from AC, especially given the global popularity of costume dramas.

"Queens Conquer"


That is a good point, but I still think a reboot is unlikely. The reason they could do that is the superhero genre is really popular these days. Unless they start making really good video game movies, the genre will never takeoff meaning no reason to take a risk on a reboot that didn't work the first time.


I can see new people trying to reboot this franchise in 12 years.


that's aload of crap though it cost $122 million and another $80 million promotion that's $202 million factor in that what ever the total money made outside of the US the studio only gets a share of that, when studios state their movie made...lets say $300 million outside of the US they only actually get about $150 million of that, so to break even this movie needs to get atleast $450 million total as the studio wont get all of that


And 50% back is mostly just domestic. China for example, it's like 25% return. Nope, Ass Crap is a dud of epic proportions.


Oh well. Hope the game is really good. Bring on ancient Egypt.


Would you date a black guy?


The fact that a second try on such a pile of *beep* like that isn't going to happen is already the best news in the whole year.
