MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Animus story felt rushed, film too short...

Animus story felt rushed, film too short.

I think it would've been a better idea if they split the film in 2 and concentrate mostly on the stories inside the animus for the first part.

They can show the character outside the animus in a coma in a few scenes and use the time allowed to properly developed and tell the story inside the animus. By the end of the film, the story inside should be resolved and the person in the animus wakes up and credit rolls. End of part 1

Part 2 should exclusively takes place outside the animus with the host trying to escape and dealing with the modern day templars with his new found abilities gotten from the bleeding effect.

What works for the game doesn't always translate well to films, just because they can cramp all the stories in the game doesn't mean it'll work in films especially with the time in this movie.


The film is not too short it is just poorly put together. Filmmakers had a horrible miscalculation on where the focus of the film should have been. It really should have been 80-20 History-Present but it would seem it went more like 15 History 85 Present. This is just an absolute failure in filmmaking and could have easily been told in a two hour movie.


I do wish animus played a larger role.


I'm just speaking from experience with the second game, it had a perfect balance between Desmond's story (real world) and Ezio's story (animus). Both of those story were interesting and compelling and could've stand on their own.

This movie seems to put all the fighting and action on the animus and no character building at all.
