MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > 3 QUESTIONS for Anyone Here that has Alr...

3 QUESTIONS for Anyone Here that has Already seen "ASSASSIN's CREED"

I have 3 Questions below for anyone here that has already seen "ASSASSIN's CREED".

1. Is Marion Cotillard's character good or evil in the movie ?

2. Who Dies and How do they die ?

3. On a Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Awesome. How would you yourself Rate the Movie ?


1. She thinks she's good and opposes her more openly evil father, but she still is doing evil things.

2. A lot of them but my memory is foggy - and don't like spoiling.

3. 4/10. Devoid of fun, feels way too serious. Worst thing about it are surprisingly the visuals which are always clustered with dust and fog to the point that you can barely see what's going on. I liked the historical parts but you were always pulled out of those and back to the boring scenes in the present.


Do Jeremy Irons and Marion Cotillard both live at the end ?
(If only 1 lives and the other dies then please tell me which one and how)


Sofia lives. And she's taking over her dad's empire.


I heard that Marion Cotillard's character actually does become a villain at the end.
Is that true ?


It's not that obvious as the way she acts is complete gibberish. He lets enter the assassins to the Templar meeting, then she says that she will avenge her father and kill Lynch. It's completely illogical and stupid.


LOL, Alright Then!



Marion thinks she is bettering the world by working to eliminate aggression, her father and thr templars are trying to get rid of the AC.

Michael Fassbender kills Jeremy Irons at the end by slitting his throat and surprisingly Marion let's him.

I would give it between a 5.5 and 6.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


Well if they end up making a Sequel then I am definitely going to enjoy seeing Marion Cotillard play the Main Villain in it.


I esp liked that visuals, but I also had no trouble to see what's going on.

The music was good too.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


What Gherpai said. The motivations of Marion's character towards the end was Strange as hell.

I can only assume in those moments she was questioning herself on what to do as she did feel betrayed by her father.

Still she knew what was going to did Happen and then she is all like I WANT REVENGE on Fassbender now lol.


1) All are bad. But everyone thinks they're doing right for the greater cause. Even when the Assassins and the Templars are for quite he opposite things.

2) Of te main cast only the father of her dies. Killed by Lynch (M.F.) at the end of the movie.

3) 6/10
Storytelling is bad but visuals, action and music are good.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
