Aguilar and the Woman

I didn't see this in the theaters; I watched a crummy bootleg with lots of coughing audience members, so this may have been established and I just didn't see it.

Was the relationship between Aguilar and the female assassin ever established? They were clearly more attached to each other compared to the rest of the creed. I wasn't sure if they were siblings, best friends, lovers, etc etc.


The Assassin's Creed wiki claims that Maria was a sparing partner of Aguilar and that the two became romantically connected. In a footnote, it cites the movie-related novel as evidence of this.

I think I read somewhere before the movie come out that Maria was to some degree like a mentor for Aguilar.


I doubt that she was a mentor to him. He was clearly the one in charge.


When they were about to be burned at the stake, didn't the enemy tell Aguilar that he would be killed slowly so that he could watch his mentor die first? I thought that was referring to Maria since she was the one who had him answer the oath, or whatever, when he was sworn in as a Creed member.

...But I also thought that there was a hint of romantic feelings between the two of them.


Before Maria gave Aguilar the oath. Aguliar had his acceptance with his Mentor. Aguilar even replies.....Si Mentor

Ojeda taunted Agulier about watching his mentor burn. Then went to the next man. That man was the one that pledged Aguilar first. So I think he was Aguilars mentor and Maria was just a more experienced sparring partner.


I thought he was referring to the other male assassin.

I also think they were romantically involved.


Seems like all scifi/fantasy movies now will need books to compensate for bad storytelling.


There is no bad story telling here, the few scenes with them made it clear that there was something going on but they were trying to maintain their mission. His feelings for her marred his judgement and he almost scrrwed things up. Also when the Sultan asks for forgiveness, Aguilar looks to her as if to say he understand the Sultans motives.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers



Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


No the movie never establishes their relationship throughout the movie. So your guess is as good as mine


I had wondered if perhaps, while she was the same age, she might have become part of the Creed (Actively, I mean) at a younger age than he did and had spent a larger portion of her life out doing the Creed's bidding/work, than Aguilar did. I also suspected that there might be somewhat of an unspoken, yet understood, romance between them. That they had feelings for each other, may have been well aware of each other's feelings, but did not act on them because the Creed came first. I mean, we do see that Aguilar (at least in the movie- never played the games, so I can't speak to them) sometimes isn't quite so task-oriented as the other Assassins. Such as when he goes to help the injured assassin as Maria takes off with the wagon containing the Prince, and the injured assassin has to tell Aguilar to go get the kid and stop protecting the injured assassin. When he fights in front of the King and Queen of Spain, he makes a point of getting Maria loose rather than going straight for the Prince. So that might have been the tiny hint we were given that Maria is either just more committed or slightly longer-term committed than Aguilar, plus she's the one who comes to him to say the pledge/etc. after his finger is removed. [Ouch, by the way. Just ouch.]

Granted, my alternate hypothesis is that Maria did love Aguilar and he loved her, but that she perhaps put an end-point to it. That she made it clear they would not speak of it, they would not engage in romantic behavior that distracted from the mission or would make them easier targets, because a)she was aware Aguilar already had a tough enough time putting the mission ahead of her (as we see a couple times in the movie), b)she worried she might someday put him ahead of the mission, c)Creed comes first, and/or d)because a romance might have been a distraction that made one or both of them miss the shot that would kill them plus make it easier to break them if they showed they were a couple of any sort so the Templar would then try to break each of them by hurting the other. If they made it more like they were just teammates, then it wouldn't mean any more to hurt her trying to get Aguilar to talk, than it would mean to harm any other member of their group. [I also wonder if Maria and/or Aguilar might have perhaps not engaged in an active romance because it could get her pregnant, which would mean both she and Aguilar might have something- or someone- put ahead of the Creed, or that for a few months she wouldn't be quite as agile or long-distance running compatible as the job required of her.]

But I do think they purposefully left it open in the movie to let you fill in the blanks for yourself. I mean, I got the impression that even C.L. doesn't always fully understand what is going on with Aguilar when he's reliving Aguilar's life. So perhaps even C.L. doesn't know for sure if Aguilar had a romantic relationship with Maria, if Maria was more like an old friend and semi-mentor, if she was someone Aguilar loved but who had friend-zoned him (sorry, modern day terminology), or if Aguilar and Maria simply had a tight, almost twin-like bond that made them so unstoppable as a team? No matter what their relationship was, they clearly worked like a well oiled machine, knowing each other's every move before the other had a chance to make it, and losing her was definitely a hard hit for Aguilar.

"There is still hope." - Arwen


Thank you everyone for the replies!


The movie makes it pretty obvious that there was something going on between them, but it is never developed... like nothing from the past really. Honestly, I would kill to see a whole movie from the past, with all the characters and storylines fully developed.


I thought there was something between them but more mentor-comrade-companion vide. I didn't take anything between them as romantic. That look Maria gave Aguilar at the end, before she forced the knife into her. Was what I thought, fear, then readiness, then pleading to Agulier to continue their mission.


It was never clearly stated, but, as you said, they were very obviously intimate - if not physically, then at least emotionally.
I assumed that she was also an ancestor of Lynch until her death.

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