Honest opinions...

I played the first one and completed it way back when it come out.. found it tedious and boring.. I recently tried black flag because it was free download on gold.. played it for about 10 minutes.. thought it was boring. Come here to check out people's views on the film if it's worth the time? (I'm not being a troll btw that's my honest opinion) I've give up on the games because I find them crap but the fans keep it alive I suppose but if the films worth a watch I'll give it a go.. so honest ratings? What film is it on par with?


You should play Assassin's Creed 2, probably the best part of the game series.


A friend borrowed me number 2 not so long back with hopes to try get me into it.. I keep finding better things to do / games to play.. maybe I'll give it a shot.


I wouldn't worry about playing it. Clearly you don't like Assassin's Creed gameplay. To me, 2 is great, but I like the games. It's not different enough from either 1 or Black Flag that it's going to sway you.

As for the movie, if you don't take it as more than it is, a scifi/action movie, it should be fine. Honestly, as a fan of the games, I would go see Star Wars or Passengers instead.

This is an ABBAB conversation: Always be berating and belittling.


Clearly you do not like the story or the gameplay, which are the two best parts of this game. I would say try to get more immersed in the story, its actually really brilliantly crafted universe, where the most of the part is actual real history with a twist of assassin's playing a major role in it. Its really cool. I actually learned a lot of crusade history from this franchise. The amount of research put in by the writers and developers is extra ordinary. They have built the important monuments and structures so well.


According to the trivia section, the movie has a different story.

Though I don't like the story, I liked the visuals, the action and the tune/music. Of the movie.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


It's just okay. 6/10.

If you're a fan of the games I think you will appreciate it and understand things a bit more. If not there is some fun to be had with it like the Fight Choreography and Parkour action scenes are great.

It's one of the better video game adaptions for sure but that's not saying much.


Sounds like to appreciate more I will need to be a fan of the games. I'm thinking I'll give it a shot you never know it might ignite the gamer inside to want to play it. I do enjoy a good game to movie adaption.. except anything from uwe bol and knowing my luck he will be the one who gets to make the half life movie!


I have never and will never play these games and I enjoyed the film. It was entertaining, fun, had some good physical scenes, and above all made me think.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


I love the game series, I really do but I can kind of understand why you'd think it is tedious. When I play the games, I generally run around the areas and synchronise all of the viewpoints first, so that everything is visible on the map. And, doing it that way round really can get boring but if you look past that, they are good games. I love the stories and the historical tie-ins.

I don't think you really need to be a fan of the games to enjoy the movie though.
