MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > I didnt play this game and i like this m...

I didnt play this game and i like this movie alot

Hi guys
i didnt play this game or have any idea but the movie was simple and i understand everything only one thing which i didnt understand , why they are fighting for that ball ? what it can do ? if someone destroy it ?


Didn't play the game either- but I surmised that the apple gave whomever wielded it (I assume there is a way to harness the power, unlock the secrets, what-have-you), the ability to override the free will of others. So the Templar intended to take it and force everyone to do things as the Templar bid them to, meaning they could stop wars from happening, they could keep people from murdering one another, they could stop crime overnight, and they could have a world of peaceful co-existence where no one fought over difference because everyone was cookie-cutter. There would be no free-thought, just discipline. No disputes, just a drone-like existence.

In theory, stopping crime, violence, and war sounds great. On the surface. But then you think about it.... No free will. You and everyone else you know, are a slave to the machine. There is a group who decides what is Good, what is Acceptable, what is Right. And they literally make you do just that, and only that, which they have deemed to be for the good of mankind. However, this group are a bunch of flawed humans, who do still have free will, and they are exerting their will over the helpless masses. And as we got from the conversation between Jeremy Irons's character and the one elder, consumerism and such were pretty much doing the job for them at this point and they almost felt that they didn't really need the Apple anymore.

This is up against the Assassins, who (from what I got) believe you should be able to make your own way. That you should be able to make your own mistakes, your own success, and to live with the consequences of your own decisions because Free Will was not meant to be governed by the few over the many - it was a personal thing. You can choose to follow the law, to follow a religion, to follow a celebrity on twitter - you can choose to be lawless, to have no particular religion, to live off the grid in Alaska. And you could change your mind, at any time, simply for reasons of your own.

Again, I never played the games, read any of the books, or was into ASSASSIN'S CREED at all until I saw there was going to be a movie- which I have seen only once so far. So this is all what I got from my single viewing. Hope it was helpful!!!

"There is still hope." - Arwen
