MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > I don't understand the apple.

I don't understand the apple.

What were they gonna do with the apple? Take away free will? I know of the games, but have never played them, so maybe I'm missing something. I just think it's a reach. Some organization spending billions of dollars to acquire an object that supposedly gave man freewill. All so they can destroy an order of assassins that seems like it was all but extinct until they started up their project bringing new life to the assassin's creed. I mean face it if they hadn't connected these guys with their ancestors, they'd probably have no idea.


If you played the games... you know they were going to throw it into an orbiting satellite and use it to control everyone on Earth.

The apple was built to make humans subservient to the precursor race that made humans. Some, like those who have the Eagle vision (a genetic throwback to the genetic engineering needed to create humans... that we inherited from the precursor race) have various differing immunities to mind control by these devices.


As someone who never played the games, I assumed that basically there was something that 'unlocked' the power of the apple and so whoever wielded the unlocked version, was able to bend the masses to their will. That it basically obliterated the ability for free-thought in anyone the unlocked apple was aimed at, so to speak. [I honestly thought they could have later movies talk about how old Pharaohs and some Roman emperors had all held the apple at some point, explaining the vast influence they wielded.] And that the Assassins were just a rogue group of free-will-loving people who were willing to do the dirty work to ensure mankind could maintain their free will, for better or worse.

"There is still hope." - Arwen
