The ending... (SPOILERS)

I can usually follow a film’s story pretty well but AC’s last third baffled me.


Did Sophia decide to let Cal kill her father simply because he slightly misrepresented his reasons for wanting to retrieve the Apple of Eden? Or are we to imply that the woman she saw in the gathering of Assassins in the Animus was her mother and that she inferred that her father killed her mother? Also what was she so ramped up about as we cut to credits? I mean, she LET this all happen. Is this her origin story as a villain?


I have no idea. This movie was a mess.


It was certainly very confusing, but here's my thoughts:

Sophia believed that she and her father were truly working to eradicate violence for all mankind- Assassins, Templars, and everyone in between. Upon reading Alan's speech, she realized that his intent was never to do that, but rather eradicate the Assassins and use the Apple to enslave the world- both of which were horrific acts to Sophia, who was a genuinely well-meaning scientist.

So, the way I saw it was that she let Cal assassinate Alan Rikkin because she knew he had to be stopped before he could commit those heinous acts. She would then inherit his position and his power, which she could use to continue her original work to cure violence. But she also hates Cal and the Assassins, because they use violence to further their goals as well.

So, it will be interesting to see whether she actually helps the Templars or instead pretends to do so, knowing that both groups have to be stopped and this millenia-long conflict finally put to an end.

Sorry for the long response lol. Hopefully that made sense! :)
