MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > I hope this picks up enough for a sequel...

I hope this picks up enough for a sequel.

I really liked it and want the whole creative crew to return.


I wouldn't get my hopes up. It's a confirmed flop.


I am a long time fan of the series and I can't see them making a sequel unless it does well outside the U.S. cause this film could have been better. For a rating I give it a 7/10 due to it not fleshing people out enough, the story was weak(all that material and places to go and this is the best they could do ?), they needed to explain the whole concept and motivations much better, a new person to AC will not see what is so great if all they watch is the movie.

They could have made a much deeper story like how they tackled the first game with Desmond and Altair, they were kinda going for that but did not try hard enough so people cared or "wanted to know/see more".

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


For all the negatives you stated, you still gave it a 7/10? That's a good score. 4-5 would be more like what you described. 6 at the most.


Told you a PG13 AC movie would suck & flop.


I believe this is the only time you and I have ever interacted


I heard it was always planned as a trilogy and I do see this picking up considerably with films one and two. I thought they did a pretty decent job with this and also was really interested in a sequel. We'll have to see how it performs in the next couple weeks.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


Why do some people don't get that flop films don't get sequels?


I get it just fine, i'm just disappointed cause I feel this was underrated


Ummm you sure about that? I believe Kick-Ass was a flop (great movie btw) but it got a sequel which sucked.


kick ass made 96 million on a 30 million budget thats not a flop


Kick Ass was probably a bit of a disappointment financially, but no flop. Assassin's Creed is going to be lucky if it grosses as much as Kick Ass, and Assassin's Creed cost at least four times as much.


Sometimes they get really bad sequels, so awful they're funny, like Bloodrayne. Ass Crap is headed to DTV hell, heh.

WeDidntBurnHim = OOOOOhPrecious = tigerfish50 = Umbraqom



WeDidntBurnHim = OOOOOhPrecious = tigerfish50


Nice sock puppet and congratulations for having a nice conversation with yourself to manipulate a discussion thread. Did you think that nobody would notice with the same ugly ass avatar and signature? Dumb ass.


Actually, I adopted his avatar (notice the subtle difference) and signature to annoy him. But, people thinking we're the same person will work even better, so I'm all for it!

WeDidntBurnHim = OOOOOhPrecious = tigerfish50 = Umbraqom
