R.I.P. $125 million

Another failure for an adult franchise adapted into a movie for children. When will the cult of PG-13 action movies in Hollywood commit mass suicide so we can finally get good action movies again?


If the movie fails, I don't think it'll be primarily because of the PG-13 rating. It'll be because of all the flaws that people have been pointing out about it.


It doesn't have much to do with the flaws, as it has to do with the box office competition if we're speaking money-wise, not quality-wise. I think fans have a right to complain about PG-13 rating if they feel like story and franchise's style has been toned down to also younger audiences, but if anything PG-13 should have made more money for this movie, than R rating. Not many R-rated movies proved successful in box office, since tickets are limited to older audiences only. But one could have predicted long time ago that this would fail in box office mainly because of Rogue One. Whoever thought this is a good release date for Assassin's Creed should be F castrated. Even Warcraft, with horrible marketing team and careless studios was moved to avoid competing with The Force Awakens and then later moved again to avoid competing with BvS, so there was at least some facks given, but Fox decided to go full YOLO with this one.


If? If?!

Damn, DrNude, you are living in denial. Watch out for the crocs, dummy.


If the movie fails, I don't think it'll be primarily because of the PG-13 rating. It'll be because of all the flaws that people have been pointing out about it.

Since day 1, AC fans have been demanding this to be R like the games which are rated M aka R.

They ignored us and still made it pg13. Well, in return, we ignored this trash and invested our money in better movies.

One of the main flaw is the PG13. The script at the core was PG13 and soft, the director is not an AC fan and they didn't listen to the fans.



125M LOL A. Creed never cost this amount of money. Budget was around 175M.


Even it had a R rating, unless the writing and directing were a lot better then what we had the fil still would have flopped. This whole idea that a bad film can be saved by adding more blood and gore is really stupid.


AC had many issues that predicted this bomb:

- Fassbender is not a big star, he doesn't have enough charisma to lead a major film.
- Awful writers.
- Very high budget - the real one was around 175M.
- Basically unexistent promotion: nobody from the cast at Wondercon, Comic-Con or E3, nothing. That was basic for the film's marketing. Nothing in China either so far.
- Really terrible release date. AC could NEVER be a match against Rogue One. This should have been a late Winter or late Summer's release.


Even it had a R rating, unless the writing and directing were a lot better then what we had the fil still would have flopped. This whole idea that a bad film can be saved by adding more blood and gore is really stupid.

You again mr pg13 loving dumbass...

The script was pg13 at the core and sucked ass.

You don't make a PG13 AC movie and expect it to be a success. The R rating is one of the main ingredients before you even start thinking of making an AC movie.

Look at Game of Thrones and how popular it is, people want sex, violence, gore you give it to them. of course we all want great movies / tv shows, but you don't just water down Assassin's Creed and piss off the main fanbase. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Simple logic.

They needed an R rated script, a talented and experienced director. Someone who knows the AC games and is ok with listening to the complaints. They didn't do any of this right.


Another failure for an adult franchise adapted into a movie for children. When will the cult of PG-13 action movies in Hollywood commit mass suicide so we can finally get good action movies again?

So true!!!! So tired of all these sanitized, watered down pg13 soft ass *beep*

I love you OP, we need way more people like you!


Such a shame, this movie could have been better had they fleshed out the characters more, explained the motivations more, and really treated it like AC 1 where they slowly reveal things to Desmond as he is playing as Altair looking for that apple of eden.

I see they were trying but they did not try hard enough and the fact the apple's power was not used at all is just stupid as the whole reason both sides want the apples are because of how they are seriously dangerous weapons.

When the ally of the assassin was about to be killed that was THE moment to show the apple in action, show why it would be dangerous in the wrong hands, instead not only is the apple of eden in this film pointless but when it is "active" in modern day it does NOTHING.

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


Eh we get them sprinkled in here and there. Mad Max and Deadpool have been paving the way to bring them back. This movie is proof that PG-13 does not always generate money. Terminator 2 is one of the last great R-rated movies I remember being released mainstream with no fuss. It is one of the reasons I respect Tarantino and Scorcese so much. They don't bow to that *beep* and just make the movies they want to make and to hell with the money. It pays off for them and they make interesting movies.
