Blame Suicide Squad

People see that on dvd and think that Assassins Creed is like it also.That is why nobody going to see this.


Blame a hit movie that had better legs than Captain America: Civil War?


Just because Suicide squad made more money doesn't make it a good movie.


At least a large number of people liked the movie given its box office success unlike Asses Crap which was a shi**y movie that no one liked even fans of the game.


I disagree, I'm a fan of the games and felt that this is the first video game film that took the source material seriously.

I thought the movie was excellent.


You're a fake fan though, not everyone is. True fans agree the source material deserved a much better adaptation.


I don't disagree that the source material deserved a much better adaptation, but still, this is the typical example of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. Just because he enjoyed it, it doesn't make him a fake fan. Maybe a fanboy (or maybe even not).

To be honest, I haven't watched the movie yet, and I'm already disappointed. I was disappointed after the trailer. Changing the Animus into a big arm thingy, what were they thinking? What does it matter, one might ask.
Well, first it shows that they don't have any trust in the source material, if they're changing such a thing. No trust? Don't do the movie then, leave it to someone else.
Secondly, they'll ultimately waste a minute or two for the animation of that thing. That doesn't seem much, but if they do that for more stuff, they lose precious time where they can go deep into the story and character development, which according to reviews, were both very shallow. It's just distracting, and doesn't look serious, but rather childish.
Thirdly, why would they waste money and time on that bullcrap of arm, if they can just go to the next scrapyard and get a block that looks similar to the actual Animus. Or actually build that thing, it's freaking cheaper, and easy.

And that is only the Animus. Only a small part of the trailer. I don't even want to know what else they did wrong.

I realise that I'm totally digressing, but I just had to let of steam, and you're the first I saw that thought it deserved a better adaptation.

Obviously I'm going to watch it anyway. I don't really have a choice, if it sucks harder than I think now, I just hope it's not canon.
