MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Dumb questions maybe, but please help me...

Dumb questions maybe, but please help me understand

1. If they've known about Callum Lynch's life and everything he did, why wait until he was sentenced to death and executed before apprehending him?

2. How does seeing the past work? Do you choose what you see, the moment in the life of your ancestor? Then why not chose a later moment when you know that's the one you need? Why did the visions start from the interception of Prince Ahmed? Do the visions start with the first moments of life? Why didn't the visions start with the first years of Aguilar de Nerha's life?

3. If they've had his father all along, why wasn't he able to access the memories of Aguilar? Was the mother the descendant and not the father? And if the father was useless, why keep him around for so long?

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


I'll try :) SPOILERS

1) They needed him not to exist. For no one to ask questions or try to find him like the Law. He was a dangerous criminal so the Law would be searching for him or have him on records. Dead he was no one to the outside world. I also have that theory about the other Assassin descendants because then it makes it easier sequel wise for them to move around in the world unnoticed.

2) I think that was on purpose because the templers were running out of time. They didn't need to know Aguilar life history since they know as much as was needed to trace his line onwards. They just needed that specific battle to locate the Apple. I suspect they found out about the mission from the other descendants because they were all afraid Callum would betray them.

3) His father said Callum was his mothers son which to me meant Callum's mother was a descendant of Aguilar not his father. So his fathers memories wouldn't count for much. I think they kept him alive as a backup to manipulate Callum. Plus he was an unwilling recipient of the Aminus and was damaged. I can't see Sophie wanting him disposed since she seemed genuine is rehabilitating all the unwilling patients.


1. For a company soo big that it invests more than 3 billion dollars a year, has connections in all of the high places and basically controls the world through politics and religion, making a man such as Callum Lynch disappear shouldn't be difficult. Especially when he's just soo important! It just will remain a plot hole the size of the Atlantic Ocean and I wish the movie would have handled it differently and offered an explanation.

2. Yeah, but the question is how did they manage to start the memory right at the point of the raid to rescue the Prince? Did they insert the specific day and hour into the Animus? How did the memories begin exactly at that point?

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


1) Sure a company that owns and controls half the world could do that but from my understanding it was only Rikkin who was in charge of this project. All other elders did not seem happy with throwing away billions on a dying breed of Assassins. In fact they seemed disinterested in the whole Apple artefact anyway. Why would a whole company bother to track descendant, much less Callum. Rikkin was not the whole network. He seemed to be operating alone and on borrowed time and money. If the writing failed in this section it was not to show why in a world were people are proven to follow at the slightest propaganda does Rikkin want the Apple so badly. Sofia's reasons are naive but understandable. But not Rikkin's.

2) Because that's how it was done in the games. I've only played once and a while ago but I think you could go to certain memories in an Assassins life to learn skills. Why it wasn't detailed in the movie......I have no answer. I'm sorry.


1) So you're saying that they knew who his was and they preferred to wait years for him to commit a crime, then months for the trial to take place, then bribe the prison warden, the technician administering the lethal injection, the workers from the morgue who are supposed to retrieve the bodies of every deceased convict and cremate/bury it. All this instead of snatching him up from his apartment and making it look like he died in a fire.
No, I still retain my position. It's bloody unexplainable

2. Shouldn't it make sense?

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


1) No I'm saying none of the elders cared what the Apple could do because there were now other practical and proven means of controlling people. Only Rikkin and Sofia cared and they were given one chance and time limit to find it. PS I'm not sure you've seen the movie or paid attention to it since Rikkin had to explain to the elder that they had found Aguilar's descendant. Before that the Elders were clueless about Callum.

2) Not really, not when the memories of Aguilar as a child or training is useless and irrelevant to the over all plot. As far as I'm concerned. Callum merged with Aguilar's spirit as well as his memories. I'm not concerned with what switch or buttons they pushed to warp speed to a certain timeline.


1. I'm talking about when Sophia was showing him images from his life. It seemed to me like they knew who he was and had been following him. She had newspaper pictures of him as a boy. If they had only recently found out who he was how would they have gotten those? She speaks to him as if they had been watching him in the foster house, the juvenile house etc.

2. Then why not jump straight to the moment when he hands the Apple to Columbus? Why go through all the previous fights?
This is my point- how did Callum know to begin the memories 3 days before the Apple was given to Columbus?

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


1) And I'm trying to explain to you that Rikkin and Sofia operated alone and without the elders political assistant (apart from funds) When she speaks to Callum about knowing everything about him I assumed she meant his whole lineage. As to why they didn't go after him once they had his father. Did you see any children at the facility? They could be a number of reasons that are consistent to the story as to why they didn't go after Callum soon after his father. Sofia did say they matched Calum to Aguilar after his arrest and his DNA was on the system. These assumptions are good enough for me. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more.

2) Why would the audience want to go to the very end of the battle. If they did then we wouldn't have had anymore scenes of the past and Aguilar and the brotherhood. What would be the point. They know where the Apple was, Callum wouldn't have had the chance to absorb his ancestor, we wouldn't have seen his struggles with his sanity. If fact most of the complaints are that the past scenes were not enough. As to how did he begin it 3 days before. Sorry my assumption is to give us some character development. It's not everyday you die then wake up in a facility where people are feeding you mumble jumble.


2. In the games, you start to synchronize at a defining moment in a character's life. In one case this was at birth, in some others it is at childhood, in others it is the events leading to them learning about the assassins, and for still others it is when they are already an assassin and start the defining mission of their lives.

From this sync point you can sync to later memories chronologically until you completely map a person's life. Generally with minor events you can choose the order in which you relive memories, while with more major events you experience them chronologically.


Thank you, now this was a good answer. However, it is only explained in the games. In the movie, there was no explanation.
One could ask: why not just skip forward to the moment when he handed the Apple to Columbus?

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


1. I think they only recently found out that Callum was descended from Aguilar and/or that only Aguilar knew where the to find the Apple. Sophia mentions that they had been chasing down other leads before they came to Aguilar. Once they realized that Callum was the only one he was already on Death Row so better just to wait than to cause more of a mess trying to get him out of prison.

2. You can start viewing an ancestor's life from the moment of conception. In Assassin's Creed II Desmond has a Bleeding Effect induced vision and he is Altair the protagonist from the AC1 and he witnesses the conception of the next in his line. He sees Altair run away while he stays with the woman.

When you enter the Animus you/whoever is in control can pick what memories to view but if the memory is traumatic or too emotional the user has to build up synchronization with their ancestor before they can view that memory otherwise the mind can't handle it and it rejects the simulation. For the movie the Templars didn't know when Aguilar came into contact with the Apple they only had a general time frame so they had Callum relive all of the relevant time frame's memories until he found it.

3. His mother was descended from Aguilar not his father. I think his father still an Assassin so they probably kept him to check his DNA for other relevant genetic memory data. Even if his father wasn't an Assassin at the time he still might have had some relevant genetic memory data they could use. I think Callum's father mentions being put into the Animus.


Some more things that didn't make sense:

4. Why did the imprisoned descendants wait so long to escape? They must have been combat savvy for a very long time. Did they simply wait for Abstergo to find out the location of the Apple so that they would also know it? Is the movie actually telling me that they chose to remain in captivity for years just so they would know when Abstergo finds out the location of the apple? And how did the Assassins know that it was the moment to escape? Did they just hear a large bang and they realized that Callum had found the answer?

5. And is Callum responsible for all the deaths? If he hadn't collaborated with Abstergo, would all the descendants still be alive? Baptiste and Lin didn't seem to blame him when they entered the Animus chamber and found him.

6. Why did his father participate in the "rebellion"? Brendan Gleeson had 2 lousy scenes, both in the same room and he acted them so badly that my grandmother could have done a better job. He didn't have his instincts, he didn't have mobility. What was the point of him killing that poor guard only to be lynched seconds after by the others? Maybe if he could actually help the Assassins, I could understand his involvement, but he just got himself killed.

7. What's up with Jeremy Irons' bad speech at the end? It's like straight out of the video game. "No more Assassin's Creed". What Assassin's Creed? You govern the world, you have close to unlimited resources, you've hunted them down that there are no more left and you've subjugated them to your program (up until a few hours ago when only 3 escaped). Why would you mention the Assassin's Creed? It sounded awful. If he had said "No more violence. No more poverty. No more hunger" it would have been a lot more adequate

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


Lol the narration of this movie slipped past you didn't it.


You see, you keep giving these half assed answers and not actually being able to answer anything logically. The narration wasn't the problem, it was the logic.
If you keep on defending plot issues without any sort of explanation, I'll think that you participated in the production of this movie and you have something to gain/or you're such a big fan of the game that you simply don't want to accept the flaws in judgement into the making of this movie.
Guess what, I like the games too. I think this movie wasn't that bad, the medieval scenes in Spain I actually enjoyed.
But there are just some mind blowing plot holes that make me want to avoid the producer/director/scriptwriter

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


I agree the narrative has holes but that's why I'm hoping for a sequel where all those holes could get consistently filled. I wish I was part of the production because Id love to see how a movie of this calibre is made from ground up. It's the only reason I buy DVDs, because of their speacial features. I am happy with the movie as for my half assed answers, they work for me. Unfortunately you will need to question someone who IS in the movies production. All you will get on a fan site is half assed answers and assumptions.


Fair enough.
happy holidays!

My ratings are not always like the IMDB average score because I only enjoy intelligent movies.


:) you too, have a happy and prosperous New Year.
