MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Will this beat Passengers this weekend?

Will this beat Passengers this weekend?

I think we can all agree that Rogue One will be first place and Sing will be second place Christmas weekend.
But do you think Assassin's Creed will rank 3rd or 4th?
Passengers is getting some poor reviews, but Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence are pretty hot right now.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Assassin's creed will come in 3rd place


Probably. While AC doesn't generate a lot of buzz, I don't see any interest in Pasengers at all.

And yeah, they both will be trashed by critics, although it's obvious that AC is the more solid movie


Yes , the video game crowd will show up and this flick has more of a cult following while Passengers has none ,plus bad reviews and the sick of lawrence factor. Maybe if they changed the name from Passengers to Hunger Games The Deplorables Rise Up , it might be different.


Wrong good chance assassin creed will flop and passenger will beat it

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Yes, it definetely will. Lawrence annoys the general audience, many thanks to her comments about politics this year, and Pratt is a comedic actor, people are not ready to watch him in a serious drama or at least the movie which tries to be a serious drama, which is the case with Passengers. Plus, this film has been already destroyed by critics, and box-office depended on their ratings very much.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Yes, it definetely will.
WRONG, kid. You made a lot of bad predictions about this movie. Looks like I was right about you.


Sing Will be Number 1
Rouge One Will be on second spot.
Assassin's Creed 3rd


I think you should switch the number 1 and 2 tbh ;)


Rogue One Will drop 50-60% so it Will do 80m At best.
Sing, on the other hand has huge marketing and Illumination have done pretty well so far, so a 85-100 openning is possible.


Rogue one will be one.

Sing will be two but a $85 to $100 million opening is a joke. Box Office Pro is tracking Sing for a $34 million weekend. It opens on a Wednesday so you can $15 to $20 million to it for a 5 days total of about $50 to $55 million.

Passengers will be 3 and Assassins Creed 4. Any hope that AS will beat Passengers went out the door when its reviews came out worst than Passengers. Its currently at 17% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Passengers reviews has twice the Rotten Tomatoes rating of AS at only 34%. ROFL!!!!! AS sucks so much it makes a crap stalker movie like Passengers look like an Oscar contender.


I'll be surprised if any movie dethrones Rogue One by Christmas. Rogue One seems like a force to be reckon with at the moment (pardon the pun). Number 2 may seem more likely with Sing. Both Assassin's Creed and Passengers are now looking at a toss up for #3. While this movie could lose out against Passengers due to a stigma against video game movies (earning early reviews worse than the latter doesn't help), it could also rise up against Passengers if the loyal fanbase pulls through where even the star-power of JLaw and Chris Pratt may not be enough to save it. Then there's La La Land when it gets a wide release...

🎊🎄Happy Holidays!🎁🎊


The results are in.
#1 - Rogue One (no duh. a few SW haters had hopes but that was just silly wishing on their part).
#2 - Sing (also a no duh. only ones who thought this wouldn't be 2nd place are the ones in a bubble who didn't even consider this movie because they don't care and have no kids).
#3 - Passengers (it did pretty poorly and is being looked at as kind of a flop, but it still did better than...)
#4 - Assassin's Creed (which ended up being an even bigger flop than Passengers)

Kind of what I expected to happen. But honestly I have no sympathy for AC since it chose a release date only one week after a Star Wars movie. That's just idiocy.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?
