MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > So, anyone really surprised that This an...

So, anyone really surprised that This and Passengers...

.... are getting really bad reviews. And they are about to face a Blockbuster Disney movie in the market??

C'mon don't lie to yourself!


Passengers is distributed by Disney in certain territories. So there goes your conspiracy theory...


What conspiracy theory??


Your OP suggests it's not a coincidence those two films are receiving negative reviews, due to their release date...


So.... how's that a conspiracy theory??
Example, People love Messi and they think he's the best footballer out there. But Ballon d'Or goes to Ronaldo. It's called developing a bias. Not a conspiracy theory....


Critics aren't biased. They just happened not to enjoy those two movies, for understandable reasons...


Critics aren't biased.

How do you know?? Are you a certified reviewer on RT?? Or you know anyone from RT personally??
They just happened not to enjoy those two movies

for understandable reasons

Ahunh! 


I happen to know a few critics whose reviews are posted on Rotten Tomatoes, yes. And I've actually seen the two movies in question...


I happen to know a few critics whose reviews are posted on Rotten Tomatoes,

Yeah Let's believe you coz you say so...
I know Donald Trump.... See how easy that was...
And I've actually seen the two movies in question...

Nobody cares what you think??.... BvS- 9/10 Mad Max- 7/10??


I know Todd McCarthy, Jay Weissberg and Nick James. And I gave Fury Road 8/10, not 7.


7... you changed it to 7, after I called you out.
Let's try that again... I know Donald Trump


No, you don't.

I, on the other hand, know Todd McCarthy (writes for The Hollywood Reporter), Jay Weissberg (writes for Variety) and Nick James (editor-in-chief of Sight & Sound).


No, you don't.

Now... Now.... We both know the truth. You can deny all you want.
I, on the other hand, know Todd McCarthy (writes for The Hollywood Reporter), Jay Weissberg (writes for Variety) and Nick James (editor-in-chief of Sight & Sound).

I, On the other hand know Donald John Trump(324th wealthiest person in the world, 36th President-elect of the United States & 1st Chairman and President of The Trump Organization)....
See how easy that is...


I work as a film critic. It stands to reason I would be acquainted with other critics...


And I am Leader of The Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON). It also stands to reason, I would know Donald Trump.


Yeah, right...


See... that's how your claim worked on me...


Except there's ample proof of my work...


what proof? because you typing some things ain't a proof.


There's proof of my activity as a critic. As for my acquaintance with Jay and Nick, there's e-mail correspondence and Facebook friendships, but there's no way in hell I'm sharing those with you...


And I am friends with Trump. But I won't share our personal email chats with people like you...


Sure you are.

Anywho, critics are not biased. And RT is definitely not biased, since it doesn't post any opinions of its own, but collects reviews written by people who work for different publications and media outlets...


Anywho, critics are not biased.

No, they are just clueless bandwagon jumpers with a superiority complex, which is worse.
I am not saying all critics are like that, but way too many of them are, and this is obvious. That is why one could predict the rotten tomatometer of this movie easily when it was announced.

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And yet most critics kept wondering if this and Warcraft would be the first decent videogame adaptations. They want these movies to be good just as much as the fans do, and for a very simple reason: we have to watch 300-400 new releases per year, so the last thing we want is for most of them to be bad.


And yet they praised the hell out of Nolan's last Batman movie, despite the fact that its flaws are visible from the Moon. The same for Episode 7. And they praised the hell out of 'The Hobbit', which was much worse than 'Warcraft'. And they keep praising the MCU movies, regardless of their quality. When you can predict that a movie will get a low tomatometer at the moment it is announced, even before a teaser is released, well... What do you think that means?

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I'm sorry but as a fairly reasonable person even I thought well it's going up against a Disney, Marvel film it will be panned by the critics. There does seem to be a real bias.

Who knows but I like Marvel, DC, Disney etc and even I noticed something odd.


Fantastic Beasts went up against a Disney or Marvel film, it got generally positive reviews. Same thing for Arrival, The Secret Life of Pets, Sing, et caetera. Not to mention, plenty of Disney films receive generally negative reviews as well...


Who knows but I like Marvel, DC, Disney etc and even I noticed something odd.

It's weird isn't it?? Their mediocre movies gets a 'pass' and Every other studio has to make "Masterpiece" in order to earn a Fresh rating.


That is simply not true. If you bothered looking beyond the spectrum of superhero movies and Disney you'd notice it.


Cinderella- boring as hell story's been told like what 25th time? You get only flashier CGI each time. Basically an insult to the original.
The BFG- Rare dull from Spielberg with basically a story of Giant who doesn't want to eat the girl coz he's good giant?
TFA- Same story as Episode 4, rehashed with essentially same elements.... I mean a Bigger Death Star?? WTF!
Rogue One- Movie with no character depth and emotional resonance, random people make jokes and die. BRAVO!
Finding Dory- Oh this one is classic. Let's make movie on sidekick coz that wasn't the problem with Cars 2... Oh wait... it was... But hey we will get the pass this time.
Frozen- MY GOD! NO WORDS!!

And it's not like they received 'okayish' type of review. They actually got critical acclaim.
And Don't even bring Fantastic beast... It's word of mouth was cut off by Moana... which I have yet to see...


Different people have different opinions. And it seems like you don't really understand how Rotten Tomatoes works...


An opinion itself is simply worthless. If a critic offers merely an opinion, rather than a well thought-out critique, why should I trust them more than I would trust a regular moviegoer?

I have worked in TV for years, and over the last year I made a living mostly as a film translator, not to mention the fact that I have been making fan subs for various movies and TV shows for years. I have had the opportunity to observe the way a film director works quite closely, I have had to spend a lot of time in the editing room, I have done some TV editing myself, although that was not my job. As a translator, I need to understand a movie's script very well if I want to do my job properly. I have worked on tons of movies of varying quality in various genres - which means two things. First, I have developed really high tolerance for cr@p and I can easily enjoy even a badly written movie, and, second, at the same time I have better understanding for good writing than most people.

If a film critic does not know at least as much as I do about film directing, editing or writing, why should their opinion mean anything to me? 'The Force Awakens' and 'Jurassic World' are plotted so badly they are not even Razzie-worthy, and yet they are rated fresh. 'The Lone Ranger' is, within its aims, excellently plotted, and it is rotten. (Quentin Tarantino praised 'The Lone Ranger', btw. And rightfully so.) Why should I trust critics' opinion on this?

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Quentin Tarantino also praised 'Green Lantern' and 'Kick-Ass 2'.

Not to mention that James Cameron endorsed 'Terminator Genisys'.

 Merry Christmas! 


As far as stupid comic book based movies go, 'Green Lantern' is not that bad. I would prefer it over 'Ant-Man' or 'Iron Man 2' any day of the week.

'Genisys' is also not that bad. I expected a lot worse from the trailers, to be honest.

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Genisys's problem were trailers, They were giving everything away and the rating.
GL is an okay movie.... Not dazzling and joke fest... still an okay movie.


First of all, critics give informed opinions. Most of them have some kind of film-related degree (Film Criticism is actually a study subject in certain universities), and they've seen a wide spectrum of films, in terms of genre, country of origin and year of release. Speaking for myself, I'v seen nearly 6000 movies, and I've only been writing about films for eight years.

Also, the Tomatometer is not a rating. The percentage indicates how many critics gave the film a positive review, while the average rating - the number most people here tend to ignore - shows how positive the reviews were. For example, Jurassic World has an average rating of 6.7/10, meaning critics generally thought it's above average, nothing more.


First of all, critics give informed opinions.

Well, surprise, so do moviegoers. So do I, and, given the fact that I have seen the technicalities and I have actually worked on some of them, I think I trust myself more than I trust any critic who hasn't.

As for the tomatometer - we have had this conversation already. If, as you say, the tomatometer is not a rating, then Rotten Tomatoes should stop displaying it. I know how it is formed, which is why I frequently say that Rotten Tomatoes is a statistical nightmare. Which it is. You are the one giving the reasons for that this time. And yet - people here are blabbering not about the average critics' rating, which, granted, is not that high either, they are blabbering about the percentage.

And sorry but 'Jurassic World' is not above average. There is literally no way that 'Assassin's Creed' can be as bad as 'Jurassic World' is.

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Maybe you should watch Assassin's Creed first...

And most moviegoers do not watch that many movies. How many average moviegoers do you know who have seen films by Alice Guy Blaché, Lav Diaz and Joe D'Amato, to name three examples?


How many average moviegoers do you know who have seen films by Alice Guy Blaché, Lav Diaz and Joe D'Amato, to name three examples?

So giving an informed opinion on a video game based action movie somehow depends on your knowledge on silent cinema, Filipino cinema and moronic Italian exploitation cinema? Are you even reading what you are writing?

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Some critics read into video game movies, or any movies really, based on the most unlikely sources (a colleague of mine praises Michael Bay's oeuvre as being Cubist). And critics usually place their review in the larger context of film history, which the average viewer doesn't do when he/she forms her opinion, for obvious reasons: the average viewer doesn't watch 400 movies a year...


Do you really fail to realize that what you wrote here is a pile of cr@p?

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Anywho, critics are not biased.

Keep telling that yourself!


Unlike you, I'm in contact with critics on a daily basis. I know how they think...


You are like broken record.
I KNOW TRUMP. I chat with him on hourly basis. You don't know anything.
How can I possibly take anyone seriously, who has rated BvS above Fury Road?


Because I have a degree in Film History and years of experience watching all kinds of movies (300-400 new releases alone each year). My opinions are informed, which is more than I can say for most people on these boards...


Because I have a degree in Film History.

Yet you rated Fury Road lower than BvS.
and years of experience watching all kinds of movies

As If we are just jacking off here right?? We don't see any kind of movies right??
I don't care if you believe me or not but I have
Metropolis (Restored Authorized Edition), M, The Kid, Citizen Kane, Faust, Phantom Opera... and many more and I revisit and collect those movies whenever I go to Tokyo. But I don't give a BS excuse for justification. What was the use of your degree when you give 9/10 to movies like BvS... that too theatrical cut 

My opinions are informed, which is more than I can say for most people on these boards...

Thanks for making me laugh!


Funny how you kept saying I would give BvS a negative review because I'm anti-DC, and now that I actually liked it more than you it's become your main anti-credibility weapon...


We all know who you are......
But Movie Reviewer.... you are not


He is actually not lying, but that is not really important. All I've ever seen him do on these boards is bragging about being a film reviewer, as if that somehow makes him more knowledgeable.

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Just because some website allows you to write reviews on their site OR through that website you get pass to some "film festivals" doesn't mean you are a credible movie reviewer.


And it's not like they received 'okayish' type of review. They actually got critical acclaim.

Cinderella: average rating 7.1/10

The BFG: average rating 6.8/10

The Force Awakens: average rating 8.2/10

Rogue One: average rating 7.5/10

Finding Dory: average rating 7.7/10

Frozen: average rating 7.7/10

Only one of those qualifies as "critical acclaim".

And Don't even bring Fantastic beast... It's word of mouth was cut off by Moana... which I have yet to see...

Moana is currently behind Fantastic Beasts both domestically and worlwide.


Sounds like you are a little bitter, no?


you get pass to some "film festivals"

What's with the quotation marks? You don't think Berlin, Cannes and Venice qualify as film festivals?


If that's all you've ever seen, you might need to get your eyesight checked...


tiger86-2 wrote:
All I've ever seen him do on these boards is bragging about being a film reviewer, as if that somehow makes him more knowledgeable

You have a point, but unfortunately it's muddled by the fact that you and the other twat arguing with him come off like a pair of cretinous dullards who share a single braincell and expect everyone to take your opinion in high regard simply because you're a mouth breather.


Thank you for sharing your informed opinion. You are just as good as the average "professional" film critic now.

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You have a point, but unfortunately it's muddled by the fact that you and the other twat arguing with him come off like a pair of cretinous dullards who share a single braincell and expect everyone to take your opinion in high regard simply because you're a mouth breather.

What fact?? that you come here and state your opinion as "fact"... . Just because you can come here and insult random nobodies from your keyboard doesn't make you highfather of any kind nor does it mean that you can just say anything nonsensical and convert it into a FACT.


NoLANIST said, "I know Donald Trump."

I feel sorry for you.



I expected this to get less than 50%, regardless of its quality, but I am really surprised that 'Passengers' got slaughtered like that. I mean, it had everything going for it, at least on a superficial level - an Oscar nominated director, an Oscar winning leading actress...

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That's the problem with Passengers, it had nothing beyond the superficial.


To be honest, I didn't like its trailers at all, but I wanted it to succeed. I wanted an original sci-fi movie that is not done by Nolan to do well, but...

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The Martian did well.


The Martian was based off a book, but like AC is based off a game.


I expected this to get less than 50%, regardless of its quality, but I am really surprised that 'Passengers' got slaughtered like that. I mean, it had everything going for it, at least on a superficial level - an Oscar nominated director, an Oscar winning leading actress...

Assassins Creed is getting killed because its just another in a long line of crappy movies based on video games. Is any body really surprised it stinks.

Passengers is getting killed mainly because of political correctness. The person who wrote that script should have know that it's "stalker plot twist" would not have gone over well in this day and age.


The person who wrote that script should have know that it's "stalker plot twist" would not have gone over well in this day and age.

It could have... If it were shown in the trailers. Honestly, in the trailers we see two people joking with each other, loving each other, etc., and, apparently, the movie shows that one of these two people intentionally tries to ruin the other's life. It is understandable that a lot of people, including critics, react angrily to a movie whose marketing flat out lied to them.

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Passengers is getting killed mainly because of political correctness. The person who wrote that script should have know that it's "stalker plot twist" would not have gone over well in this day and age.

To be fair, the original draft of the script is almost ten years old...


Yes, I am surprised about Assassin's Creed. Not about Passengers tho.

Nolan, I love you forever!


This movie sucks so no I am not surprised. If a movie sucks it will get crap reviews, you clearly are upset about Disney's success.

Glorious glory

