MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Assassins Creed bombs will finish 4th fo...

Assassins Creed bombs will finish 4th for weekend

Wednesday estimates already in:

1. Rogue One - $15.5 million
2. Sing - $11 million
3. Assassins Creed - $4.5 million 💩
4. Passengers - $4 million 💩

Passengers is expected to have a bigger weekend than Creed because the video game fan boys are expected to make Creeds box office more front loaded.

Assassins Creed probably won't even make it to the $30 million 6 day estimate. Another awful video game adaptation flops.


THR thinks Passengers might make 25 million for the 6 day because it's hated. Heh, I'd crack right up.


Very bad news for those who expected this to do well. Especially gstards, benelli86, and ninja_coola. They all react the same. They are all very upset at this news.


why are you so happy to see something fail?


I'm not happy it failed.


I'm not happy a bad movie was made in the first place.


Quite frankly, you come off more mental than those posters you shaded.


That's what I was going for. How do you put out a fire? With hotter fire.


Of course. But using Callum's quote from the movie..well sort of, who's going to put out your fire?


Maybe it burns out on its own, maybe someone puts it out. I guess we will have to see.


Is this really necessary? Okay, gstards probably deserves this kind of thing because of the way he trolled the Warcraft board but those other guys have done nothing to you. Leave them alone.


but those other guys have done nothing to you.
Says who?


Immediately remove my name from that list, you incompetent imbecile. I've been saying for months that this movie would be a financial disaster. If you had bothered to read any of my previous post you would have known this.

Go to some other thread, you ignorant troll.


I guess you have to be an AC gamer to enjoy the movie like myself. I don't care if it is not popular on the box office count.


Dead account #1004 detected!



I guess you have to be an AC gamer to enjoy the movie like myself. I don't care if it is not popular on the box office count.

 Yeah ok buddy, you don't care if an adaptation of one of your favorite video games is a financial success. If you really believe your own sh!t, then it shows why you creatures don't deserve the privilege in getting anymore video game movies.


You do realize that Ubisoft made the game for fans, not a general audience. That is why the critics are tearing it apart. They wanted everything spoonfed to them and Ubisoft basically said this movie isn't for you. Its for the fans of the franchise. That is also why Ubisoft said they didn't need the movie to be a box office success, they are making a sequel anyway. They planned a trilogy. This wasn't necessarily a Hollywood movie just because Fox was involved. Ubisoft made their own movie studio to make this movie. The critics also called this a CGI fueled movie which further shows they did no research to realize 95 percent of the movie was done practically using very little cgi. The Apple of Eden isn't explained because the games do it well enough. The movie spends time on explaining the animus and bleeding effect over other things because in the games its probably the most confusing thing to understand. The only thing I can potentially agree with the critics on is lack of character development but I have a feeling the sequel will go more into that. The movie doesn't take time to explain things it figures the fans of the franchise already understand. Again this movie wasn't made for a general audience. It was made for the fans. So to badmouth fans for liking a movie that was made for them just sounds retarded.


If you really think this movie is getting not one but two sequels after losing this much money at the box office, then you're the one who's retarded.


the movie has been out for 3 days and its not even released internationally yet. We actually have no idea how well its gonna do. YOu don't seem to understand this isn't a traditional Hollywood movie. Why would Ubisoft say that it doesn't expect it to be a blockbuster but still moving forward with a sequel? They started on the sequel back in May. A simple google search can confirm that.


the movie has a 125 million $ budget. the rule of thumb is the budget x 2.5 to break even. so around 315 million it has to make..... thats going to be tough. warcraft was a "flop" and it made over 430 million


If Ubisoft made this for the fans, why is this PG13? So that all the kiddies and entire households can go see the oh-so-fun AC movie? If they really wanted to make a movie for fans they should have kept all the M mature thematic material, hire a couple of good writers that could craft a solid story that'd work both on paper and on screen, and get a good director that'd know what to do with it.


Updated number for Asses Crap. It is in a tight race for 4th place for the weekend with Why Him. Asses Crap was estimated to make $30 to $35 million over 6 days instead it won't even get to $25 million. Passengers will make less than $30 million. Asses Crap and Passengers will both be huge bombs to end the year. Another bomb for Sony with Passengers and Ubisoft will eat tens in millions in losses for Asses Crap.

1.) Rogue One 3-day cume: $70M (-55%) / 4-day: $106M to $112.4M

2.) Sing 3-day cume: $33.1M to $34.7M / 4-day: $51M to $54M / Total: $71.5M to $74.5M

3.) Passengers 3-day cume: $12.8M to $13.4M / 4-day: $19.3M to $20M / Total: $26.6M to $28M

4/5). Assassin’s Creed 3-day cume: $1o.5M to $10.7M / 4-day: $15.6M to $16.3M / Total: $23M+

Why Him? 3-day cume: $9.7M to $10.9M / 4-day: $13.6M to $16M / Wk 1

6). Moana (DIS), 3-day cume: $7.2M (-44%) / 4-day: $11M+ / Total: $184M+ / Wk 5


$125 million budget is absurd. This one is gonna hurt a few wallets and careers
