MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Will this hurt Michael Fassbender's care...

Will this hurt Michael Fassbender's career?

All the reviews put it down to a terrible script and not necessarily the actors.

But on the other hand, he did produce the movie.

Do you think this will hurt his career? Or will it be dismissed as a one off misfire?


He was in The Counselor which was also a piece of sh@# too and directed by Ridley Scott no less. Both of them skated away from that and Fassbender will from this one too. He's still probably the most talented leading man in the business right now so he'll be fine. Plenty of talented actors who were also very successful had bombs too. It happens.

Now the director of this may take a bigger hit. Granted it was his first big budget studio picture and they probably had to follow the plot of the game, as stupid as it sounds, or Ubisoft wouldn't have let this get made. That's who's really to blame. It might please fans but it turns off a lot of people and the bad press from all these terrible reviews is going to hurt it's box office numbers a lot.


Are you that dense that you would ask such a ridiculously silly question? Every actor in the World has made bad or unpopular movies and continued their careers. It round take a succession of bad movies to bring a popular actor down.


No Michael be fine and every actors/actress have made flops in their movie careers quite few times

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Unless he has nothing but flops for the next 10 years he'll be fine. Sometimes people exaggerate about how fast careers fall based on one, two or even three flops. I think Assassin's Creed being a video game movie will shield him because everyone knows that vgm are garbage anyway.


The movie was great and his acting was even better. Too bad the story couldn't be adapted for the critics' palatte or for people who will never pick up the game. If BvS didn't end Aflec's and Cavill's career than there is no reason to think this movie would do that to Fassbender. Although, I think AC's story adaptation surpassed by far BvS.


BvS was a hit, it under performed but it was a hit. Assassin's Creed is not looking to be. Your comparison is confusing.


I was extremely disappointed in both movies, but BvS was a financial succes. AC flopped just like I and many others predicted. It had a horrible marketing campaign. The story was really bad, but I enjoyed the action scenes. I didn't like it as was as I had hoped. I thought it was just OK. Maybe a 6 out of 10.

He still has the X-men franchise, but I heard they are revamping the whole frachise. I don't know if he will continue as Magneto in future movies. I hope they drop Mystique because Lawrence is terrible.


The single incident of Assassin's Creed flopping cannot hurt an actor's career but I really think he needs to be careful with choices from now on. Because the following series of events:

X-Men Apocalypse: Rotten , BO collection was a profit but unimpressive

The Light Between Oceans : Rotten, BO - flop(as expected)

Assassin's Creed : Rotten, BO- looking like a flop.(He produced ! Why Fassy?)

He has got Trespass Against Us coming out in 2017, early reviews of which are not so good and it is not predicted to be a BO hit.

does not look good. I have my hopes high on Alien: Covenant,let's see.
