MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > who created apple of eden?

who created apple of eden?

I dont play the game so i was kinda lost when watching it. i'm guessing the apple of eden was made by aliens? it was already exist before 1492 but the design was very futuristic. it was being told contain the first sin? what sin? one of the seven deadly sins? can anybody explain?

and i didnt get it with Cal's hallucination (coz it seemed it was trying to hurt cal everytime it appeared) or it was Aguilar's spirit (coz at the end of the conquest the spirits of the assassins appeared before Cal)and merged with cal's body. how? bcoz of the animus machine?

and why abstergo kept other assassins incarnation alive when they had progress with Cal?


"The first civilization" created the pieces of eden


I don't play the games either.
I thought it was clear the Apple of Eden IS the apple that Eve ate (from the Bible's Adam and Eve).


ok. it didnt look an apple at all. it was made from metal and contained something glowing. and how did it work to rid the world of violence?


Pieces of Eden, including the apple (one of heaps of apples) are left over pieces of technology from a civilisation that existed in Earth before humans did... and are hinted to have created humans. They were known as the First Civilisation.

Humans rebelled against them Stargate style and a war broke out, because Adam and Eve were the leaders of the human side and they had first civilisation dna as they were created as hybrids and as such had the eagle vision thing... which is a kind of jedi mind trick used to determine ally from enemy by a kind of telepathy.

So Adam and Eve were the first assassins. After the First Civilisation were wiped out by a massive solar flair, they created the assassin's creed and the assassin's and their origins got lost over time.

Eventually the tech left over from the first civilisation is rediscovered, and both assassin's (who seek to protect it from misuse) and the Knights Templar (who want it for world conquest) fight over it.

The apples of eden are specifically good at mind control as they were built to ensure humans would obey the first civilisation.

So the templars and assassins have been secretly going at each other behind the scenes of history, over these powerful ancient tech, with the templars eventually becoming a massive conglomerate called Abstergo.

One of Callum's ancestors was an assassin and using a device Abstergo invented, called an Animus, they want to plum through the memories of Callum's ancestor (this is what an Animus does, allows you tp relive genetic memories of your ancestors still present in your dna... like the Matrix) to figure out what he did with it.

It's... complicated. And we aren't even in Victorian London and the quest for magic healing cloak yet.


The follow will contain huge spoilers for the games and also probably for future move episodes (if a sequel or trilogy does come to pass).

*Final Spoiler Warning

The apple was created by an extremely ancient group of beings who called themselves the Isu. However, they often are known as Those Who Came Before or the First Civilization. They had extremely advanced technology and utilized devices like the apple to mentally manipulate humans so as to use them as slaves. The Isu/First Civilization eventually faced a rebellion and war with humanity. This was cut short by a major solar event that essentially ended the Isu and forced the human species into a dark age.

If a sequel does get made, there are very strong reasons to believe that a character from this prehistoric, pre-human civilization will appear and become a sort of adversary that ends up forcing the Assassins and Templars to cooperate.

What Sophia says about the apple, as well as what happens with that artifact, suggest that the movie is going to have the Isu, just like the games.


so The Isu were humans or aliens in the game?


They are the first sapient species to call Earth home, they are not aliens, they are simply a very advanced civilization. Juno, a very militant member of this group has been behind everything, she's manipulated the Assassins and Templars from the beginning she's the true antagonist of the series.


hmm...i really want to see how they describe them in the sequel then


At this rate their won't be a movie sequel it's box office is looking like 30 million or so for 6 days....


everything is like the source of the adam and eve myth, like first humans who turned against the first civilisation = adam and eve, the apple, the garden of eden would have been like a city where everything was perfect and functionnal before going back into prehistoric-dark ages. oral tradition lead to the myths we know today
