Loved it

As an avid gamer and someone who has played AC (all of them) I was truly impressed.

The action scenes were amazing and what made this movie great. There hasn't been a good martial art lately and this movie mixes many different styles matching exactly the actions of Ezio and all others.

What I also loved were the wall climbing and roof running scenes made brilliantly to preserve the game.

People need to realize that the game takes a total of 24-3hours to play through and all of the story cannot be fitted into 1:40 run time.

The movie did shave off some story but it did contain all the AC essentials such as the Animus, the Abstergo, the brotherhood, the original creed philosophy and further the eternal war between the Assassins and the Templar.

My money was well spent.




Good for you!


Although I don't game, I loved it as well and agree that it was money well spent. 

"Everybody creates what they fear most."


Assassins Creed was a good movie. Not sure what critics are talking about. Then again they did rate almost every Disney movie EXCEPT ONE (Alice through the looking glass) above 80% this year including Finding Doria and The BDG which were most boring terrible movies of 2016. I saw them all, critics are liars. All the rest of movies this year were unfairly rated.


I loved it as well.
