MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > gstard actually stands for retard

gstard actually stands for retard

Story is that this little troll spent days on end trolling another video game movie named Warcraft. He was more active on the forum than actual fans. Either he mocked the movie or praised AC. Non stop.

Well it must be hard being him now, you know, the retard part.

Now don't sulk! Leave your basement, go outside and meet uncle sun!

P.S: I don't trust critics. Might just check AC out.


He has been very upset lately. I think about 4 guys here including myself have made him cry. He called my behavior "disgusting" just because I said poor reviews were in. He's a dramatic kid, that's for sure.


Don't overestimate yourself, moron. Neither you or your posts about nothing did affect me on 0.01%. Because I understand that you are obviously trolling.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Neither you or your posts about nothing did affect me on 0.01%.
Cool story, but your composure says otherwise. Very transparent and very sad for you 


Unlike you, I have an actual life, you know. If you have only heard about this term. I'm studying, I'm walking out, I'm working, I'm living life outside the internet.

Nolan, I love you forever!


IMDb can come with you everywhere, right in your pocket. You can't afford a smart phone? Sad 


My favorite part on Warcraft board was when he used his Maths school/college to back up his credibility in average arguments he provoked certain users on that board, including me. You can tell this dude has IQ lower than his smartphone yet that idiot thought best way to make himself look smart is to brag about some finished Maths college.

He spent massive amount of time trashing one upcoming movie, while fanboying for another.. and now the results are satisfying for us who waited patiently for karma to find a way to him.

As it concerns me, he can do now whatever the F he wants. He can continue being unreasonable, stubborn jerk who seeks joy in failure of something what is his imaginary opponent, or he can start realizing what kind of prick he WAS and look for ways to redeem himself. I for once, absolutely do not care. I know that I got the last laugh, so are you.. so are many other people, preferably those who he pissed off on Warcraft board.


Is he the one with the gay crush on Nolan?


He's fanboy of his as well.


Just like Francis missing Wade Wilson in Deadpool

I miss gstard on the Warcraft page.

Comeback plz
