MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Question for those who saw the movie.

Question for those who saw the movie.

It's regarding the runtime. Did you feel the length of the movie enough or too short? I've read some reviews stating that the ending felt rushed and some parts remained unexplained, is it the case in your opinion? Would it have been better if it had been 2hr 20 min. or with the current length was okey?


I only wish they would have had more time living in his ancestors past. I understand what the story was with his ancestor, but I would've like to experience it more.



Definitely too short. I mean runtime doesn't save a film but you could've done more with the Spanish Inquisition scenes with a longer run time rather than make them just flat out action scenes


I wish they would have showed some of the main character's life. He was a kid and then whoosh, thirty years later.


It's 1h50 long, not 2h20. I don't know why it's still 2h20 here, but the movie is definitely 1h50 long. And yeah, it's too short. Lacks like 20mn in the Spanish era to get to know the characters better, but exposition, action sequences, pace and scenes in present day do the job. Just should have been longer, doesn't feel like studio cuts unlike Batman vs. Superman or Alien 3 for example


The run time for me was good. They just should have cut some really slow parts and added more detail from the past.

Question - did the girl end up with the apple - I assume so but couldn't understand why it Would be left there for someone to take so figured I missed something



Who? I assume that was a typo as there's no character magneto. Do you mean the main character or the security guy for the CEO ? For some reason I thought I saw the apple still in Rikkins hand after he was killed, when his daughter knelt down beside him. I suppose the assassins have it but to me the end was choppy and it wasn't clear who ended with it but like I said earlier figured I missed something.


It was clear. Rikkin has an apple in his hand, but its a real apple (the fruit). Cal has the Apple of Eden in the very last scene of the movie.


We never got background history on Cotillard's character. THey hinted that she was an Assassin and that was it.


LOL, he was fully being sarcastic. You do know Magneto right?

I have a feeling you're being the same way, too.


I would have liked more run time dealing with the past life, more bonding with the other assassins in the complex or even what was going on at the end ceremony because it looked like there were a lot of assassins at the ceremony but only 3 made it out? It was confusing because the Templars were hooded as well as the assassins. Also, did the daughter mean it when she vowed revenge? If so, what was the whole point of the conversation with Kal? That all seemed so confusing to me but then I've never played any of the games so maybe that's why.

Finally, did the apple affect Kal at all when he was going for the kill? It didn't seem like it did.

And who did he kill to get on death row? It seems like that might have been important.

So, yeah, I've liked a longer run time.

"Everybody creates what they fear most."
