I really liked it....

I played AC 1, 2, Brotherhood, 3, and 4 so I'm fairly familiar with the concept and subject matter. The movie wasn't perfect, but I actually really enjoyed it. They probably should've spent more time in the past than they did, but I think they were really building the story in present time so that they could make sequels.

The route they took could take the remaining assassins on the run in a similar fashion as they did with Desmond in the games. Just my two cents.

The critics were overly harsh in my opinion.


We enjoyed as well. Hope there is a sequel.


Totally agree. I am also excited to see Cal, Moussa, and Lin on the run. However, considering what they did at the end of the movie... I know they'll be on the run, but they're already capable of doing some epic s--t. Some people didn't like the ending... I friggin' loved it.
