MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Will it dethrone Rogue One at US Box Off...

Will it dethrone Rogue One at US Box Office chart this weekend?

Will it dethrone Rogue One at US Box Office chart this weekend?

Or Passengers will do it?



Both films have weaker word of mouth


Sing Will do it


Rogue One will stay at the top.

Sing will do the best. Then passengers. Then AC.


No, critics are making sure of that


Rogue one is gonna stay at the top, critics have almost nothing to do with that. Rogue One is getting great word of mouth from fans and critics because it is a great film with arguably the worlds biggest fan base. I have not seen AC yet and probably will wait for the DVD for two reasons. The pg13 rating attracts little kids to see it and it's not playing in lux level which is 21 plus and the only way to see a movie if you want to avoid kids. AC will have fans that wanted an R rating true to the games that won't go for that reason, Rogue One has fans that will go multiple times. I know someone who went three times in 24 hours, I saw it opening night and will be going again


Yeah, because critics panning this movie is reason why AC will lose the battle in the box office.. haha

At least think before you write something like that. No matter how was movie is received by critics, it would have bombed. You really think a movie with 30 years old sci-fi/fantasy franchise with massive fanbase would face any sort of competition from this terribly marketed movie? When it comes to Star Wars movies, they can give the *beep* promo content as a marketing strategy and it would still make more money over any videogame movie unless marketed really great.
