MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > fassbender dude is wasting his career on...

fassbender dude is wasting his career on this stupid comic book movies

This guy has some acting chops. He has no real need besides the money to make these stupid fantasy and comic book movies. He's done enough of them. He needs to get back to acting in dramas that are much more meaningful and deserve his talent.


Wrong. This was his passion project. He really tried to do it for years and to do it right. Interesting how sometimes the movie can´t turn out good even if you are trying as hard as you can. This won´t affect his career and it won´t affect Kurzel´s career, they´re both in demand and will shoot a lot of movies i future. It was an experience a both of them (maybe Kurzel more because it was his first big production) should take something from it. Mistakes they won´t repeat in future.

"I just want to be somebody" Harry Fabian- Night And The City


Not really. Fassbender wasn't even familiar with the games before he signed on to star.


Sorry, but that doesn´t mean that it wasn´t his passion project. He liked themes in the script. That SCRIPT he had was his passion project, that doesn´t mean the games it´s based on must be his passion.

"I just want to be somebody" Harry Fabian- Night And The City


Of course it does. Fassbender wasn't trying to get it done for years, in fact the script wasn't even finished when he signed on. Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool was a passion project, but Fassbender and Assassin's Creed hardly qualifies. Reynolds could talk Deadpool for hours, he's extremely knowledgeable about the character. I doubt that Fassbender could have a brief unscripted discussion about Assassin's Creed with a fan that knows what it is, and what it isn't. I'm not saying that he phoned it in or anything, but it was no project of passion for him.


I agree that passion if the wrong word, but Fassbender has stated that he wanted to be involved with a big film from start to finish and that made this film special to him. He is both starring and producing, obviously he is very involved.


Yes, but that has nothing to do with Assassin's Creed. That could have been any movie, and I'm not sure what you mean exactly when you say that. Fassbender has been in plenty of movies from start to finish. Getting a producer credit was probably nice for him, but this was not a passion project that he was fighting to get greenlit for years and years beforehand. It was just another movie for him at the end of the day.


He signed on to do the movie in 2011, spent a few years developing the script and handpicked the director. That's pretty much the definition of a passion project.


I think the definition of a passion project is Ryan Reynolds spending his own money on Deadpool and going back and forth with the studio to get it the R rating it needed


I like your understanding of things but why are you giving so much credit to an "actor"? I am a budding director/producer and studying the history of cinema, the art and business and trust is the director that makes a movie. End of discussion. If this project was helm by Denis Villeaneave(Just look at that Blade Runner teaser) it would be epic.

No actor means *beep* Too much credit given to them.


A new Blade Runner teaser was actually kinda meh.

Nolan, I love you forever!


The Light Between the oceans just came out this year and Jobs came out last year. He's still doing dramas so I don't know what you're talking about.


Thank you, not to mention this aint a comic book movie


The problem is that all his movies are flopping. Light Between the Oceans, Jobs, The Counselor, and this movie are all wide releases and flopped hard. Heck, even Macbeth flopped and they hyped that movie for two years with all its casting controversies and it was still a flop despite good reviews. Surprising considering it is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays.


Shakespeare was never actually good at box-office.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Did I say it had to be a blockbuster? The budget was only $15-$20 million and it could not even make that despite it getting good reviews, Harvey Weinstein, lots of promotion since it was even announce and being a popular (and short) play. I thought it would make at least $40-$50 million.


No, actually, it was Weinstein who killed all this movie's chances in US box-office. The promotion was almost non-existent, and, which is even more important, the amount of screenings was less than fiddling. Unfortunately. This movie deserved better.

Nolan, I love you forever!
