Looks like PG13 TRASH!!!

You have to be kidding me, a PG13 Assassin's Creed movie?? How pathetic and dumb is that? wow.


It is not hard to imagine. There are plenty PG-13 rated movies that are on the edge of R ratings, dark and violent. That rating wont avoid the movie to be intense, and I bet it will honor the game franchise.


Good luck with making a $200 000 000 R-rated film.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Again a *beep* post about pg-13.

There is *beep* nothing wrong with pg-13. The only frickin thing you see in the games is a tiny ass blood spurt , no gore no tits. A blood spurt is not R rated worthy.


A little blood would be nice though. The fight in the trailer were the female assassin kills all those men would look a lot more realistic if those guys were actually bleeding. They have all just been stabbed, but there is no blood at all. It looks weird and fake. I would have preferred a little blood.


Keep in mind that the trailer is green band (can run attached to any movie). The trailers for The Wolverine showed no blood on his claws, but in the actual movie he has blood on them after he's stabbed somebody.

So, hopefully this movie is just doing that.


I guess they are not just doing that because the PG-13 rating have been confirmed!


My point was, The Wolverine was rated PG-13 and yet had a realistic amount of blood on his claws, so hopefully AC will be similar. The only difference the extended, R-rated cut of The Wolverine had was gratuitous amounts of blood that were not necessary for realism.

Again, we have no idea if that will be the case with AC, but if we're going to speculate we might as well try to be positive about it. :)


Yeah, because in real life people just shoot galons of blood after being stabbed, just like in this real life clip of people getting stabbed.


Oh wait blood doesn't work like that in real life. It pours.

Some BODY once told me.


Why are you replying to me? Who said anything about losing galons of blood? What are you even talking about?


Blood in real life isn't more notorious than the blood as shown in the trailer. There's no need for an R rating.

Some BODY once told me.


What blood? There wasn't any!! That was the whole point!!


Again, look at the real life clip of two people getting stabbed to death. You can't see the blood, looking not too different than the blood seen in the trailer.

Some BODY once told me.


Again, look at the real life clip of two people getting stabbed to death. You can't see the blood, looking not too different than the blood seen in the trailer.

Some BODY once told me.


Also ruined by lame ass sjw propaganda (female assasin doing ninja kicks). Compare this to a rated R movie like Gladiator and how stupid it would have been if it was pg13 and one of his warrior fighters was a "badass" female.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


I wounder how you feel about Star Wars: A Rogue One Story, when this badass female is actually the LEADING character, not supporting like in Assassin's Creed.

Nolan, I love you forever!


There were female assassins in the game series, so why would it be "sjw propoganda" to have one in the movie?


Thats a common sjw fallacy. "In WW1, 13 people out of the 80 billion people that died were black, ergo the guy on the cover of a WW1 video game being black is accurate and not PC nonsense.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


Relax, it's not like they're making Grand Theft Auto into a movie or something.

And plus, the games weren't even that violent.


Yes they are, it will be rated PG.

No hookers, no sex, no blood. Some guy will get shot in the head point blank and just fall down dead with no bullet hole or anything.

The worst word said in the movie will be "crap"

To all the people getting upset about the people upset over the PG-13 rating, screw off. There was more than just violence in the AC games. There were sexual moments, there was language, the violence was more than just a blood spurt. I have played all the AC games since they came out, and I can tell you anyone saying that all that is shown is a blood spurt is not telling the truth. Makes me question whether they have played them at all. In AC (the first one), there's plenty of blood. AC III, lots of blood. Don't tell me there's no blood. This movie should be rated R. IT IS SET DURING THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! How can they PG-13 that bloodbath?

No, AC did screw themselves up a bit here by making a violent M rated video game where the purpose is running around assassinating people, that also happens to be set in one of the most bloody and horrific times in history, a PG-13 movie. Give me a flippin break.


Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, thematic elements and brief strong language. It all will be there.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Doesn't say anything about blood. When you put a sword or a knife into someone...they bleed. A lot.


And you will pause the movie in the theatre to check it out?

Nolan, I love you forever!


I assume you're a 12 year old as opposed to a retard, but in real life when people get stabbed the blood does not explode going everywhere. It leaks and there might be a large amount, but nothign exagerated.

Some BODY once told me.


Yes they are, it will be rated PG.

No hookers, no sex, no blood. Some guy will get shot in the head point blank and just fall down dead with no bullet hole or anything.

The worst word said in the movie will be "crap"

To all the people getting upset about the people upset over the PG-13 rating, screw off. There was more than just violence in the AC games. There were sexual moments, there was language, the violence was more than just a blood spurt. I have played all the AC games since they came out, and I can tell you anyone saying that all that is shown is a blood spurt is not telling the truth. Makes me question whether they have played them at all. In AC (the first one), there's plenty of blood. AC III, lots of blood. Don't tell me there's no blood. This movie should be rated R. IT IS SET DURING THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! How can they PG-13 that bloodbath?

No, AC did screw themselves up a bit here by making a violent M rated video game where the purpose is running around assassinating people, that also happens to be set in one of the most bloody and horrific times in history, a PG-13 movie. Give me a flippin break.

You're the man!!! PG13 is a huge mistake for this


I really don't care about a PG-13 rating. So long as the movie is good.

Also, the games weren't all that violent.


