MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > The movie is already ruined.....

The movie is already ruined.....

a movie like this with a PG-13 rating? come on you have to be joking.... give me one good reason why this movie will actually be a success


-Good cast
-It's the same director as the fantastic MacBeth
-Justin Kurzel (the director) brought his team from MacBeth
-The stunts are real
-Ubisoft is involved so that the story makes sense in the same universe as the games
-The games do not have Mortal Kombat levels of gore.

Some BODY once told me.


-Ubisoft is involved so that the story makes sense in the same universe as the games



Nothing wrong with pg13

For starters the only thing you see in the games is a tiny ass bloodspurt, I can hardly say that's R-rated material.


"Tiny blood spurt" is down playing it. Theirs a *beep* ton of gore in the games. Axes to faces. You wouldnt see them in PG13 films or even games. Plus theirs alot of cursing and matute elemnts into them.

Games like Uncharted and Prince of persia had tamed violence. Assassins creed literally became popular for its realistic portrayal on violence


If the magnificent seven could have a pg-13 rating, I see no reason why this one won't


Magnificant 7 doesnt look all that graphic. Just your average PG13 western film. I'm sure theirs violence, but no one is expecting Django Unchained ammount of violence. Theirs a diffrence between ultra violent realistic gore and tame hollywood gore.

You could easily make a western film PG or PG13 by using hollywood magic. Although if they were to make a reboot to Seven Samurai.... it would make sense to make it a Hard R. You could check youtube yourself. Theirs a bunch of compliations of Brutal assassin creed fight scenes. The game was everything BUT PG13


Because you never see anything violent in PG-13. I mean, Taken is such a family friendly totally non-violent movie that is on par with a Disney channel movie!

Oh wait.

Some BODY once told me.


But the amount of gore has no effect on the story. I don't have any memory of ever watching a movie and saying "this sucked would have been good if it had more blood." Granted I do love violence and I think it can make a film a lot of fun but it can't bring up a bad film and the lack of it can't bring down a good film.


Do you seriously think that this film has any hope left? In what earth is a Rated M game being changed into 13 EVER good news? I don't have any memory of ever watching a movie and saying "this sucked would have been good if it had more blood."
[/i] Seriously? Its not just about the lack amount of blood. A drastic rating change is a clear example of Hollywood trying to strip away an original source of its contents. It means that they have low chance of the film from making money on the story alone. So they *beep* out a "6 week" plot, lower the ratings in order to grap the attention from kids and people looking for cheap entertainment. At this day and age how could people still not understand this? A film doesn't need gore, but if its original source had it then of course it should. Assassins Creed is a money making idea, but the fact that not even the writers trust it should say enough about the quality.

Wolverine 1 and 2

4 films recently that changed its ratings in order to boost views. Films where the gore was a necessity for the story. Along with it, it gave them every reason to not try as hard on the plot. Whenever they do something like this, it gives them no reason to try as hard on the quality of the film

Showing off is the fools idea of glory


I don't have hope for this movie. As for your argument of "when has an M rated movie ever successfully turned into a PG-13 movie" or however you phrased that statement. When has turning an M rated game into R rated film ever been a good idea? For your claims that Wolverine 2 needed more blood to be good. The previous X-Men films featuring Wolverine didn't need blood also Wolverine 2 received positive reviews. Alien versus Predator was rated R. And sure giving it a PG-13 rating to get kids into the theater was proven to be a *beep* marketing practice when Deadpool released. And don't argue that this was a one time thing parents don't parent anymore. They let their kids do whatever they want and watch whatever they want. Everyone knows that no one gives a duck about the rating system anymore. Nothing you said had any validity. If you had argued that based off of the previous track record of video game movies and stated that the trailers did nothing to show they were bringing something new to the table I would have whole heartedly agreed. But instead of arguing we should be morning together. In the age of critically acclaimed films like Civil War and Fury Road this should be the best time for nerds but instead we're treated to *beep* fests like Hitman and Resident Evil. So instead of arguing why a video game movie will suck with a fellow nerd mourn together over the fact that it will suck. And there's nothing that can change that... except for maybe Last of Us if it ever releases.


I laughs when I'm reading that the film will suck only because the fact that it's a videogame movie. You people obviosly have no idea of what director helms it, why he does it, and how much effort was put into this. And you haven't seen Macbeth, am I right?

Nolan, I love you forever!


I have seen Macbeth and it was a brilliant film but studios often don't give directors room to breathe. Look at Iron Man 2, great director, sequel to a great movie but the studio was forcing him to do things he didn't want to do and the movie sucked. It happens.


The major factor in case of Assassin's Creed is that Fassbender is standing right behind Kurzel, and he is the moving force on this whole project. The movie is happening because of him. So if he fully supports Kurzel in his vision, it plays the role. And Justin Kurzel himself already said that New Regence supports his vision so much, that they enthrusted him to shot the 35% of the film in Spanish, with English subtitles, which is a pretty risky movement, but they believe in his vision.

“I just love the fact [production company] New Regency embraced it,” director Justin Kurzel explains in the new issue of Total Film magazine. “We did play around with English as well, but it was really obvious what you wanted as soon as you went back and started speaking beautiful Spanish. It really adds an exoticness and richness to the film.”

So there are no red flags signalizing that the studio is overshadowing director here yet. The fact that it's rated PG-13? The director said that he wanted it to be so. And the main trailers are only seeling the film to the bigger audience, their quality has nothing to do with an actual film.

Nolan, I love you forever!


And BTW, judging the film by its trailers is also a VERY strong argument.

Nolan, I love you forever!


"Tiny blood spurt" is down playing it. Theirs a *beep* ton of gore in the games. Axes to faces. You wouldnt see them in PG13 films or even games. Plus theirs alot of cursing and matute elemnts into them.

Games like Uncharted and Prince of persia had tamed violence. Assassins creed literally became popular for its realistic portrayal on violence

Ummmm This movie looks like *beep* even without the PG-13 rating. The rating is just one more slap in the face or nail in the coffin to the fans.


The fans are actually fine with this rating, as you might see in many posts here.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Posted earlier by a cool dude

Yes they are, it will be rated PG.

No hookers, no sex, no blood. Some guy will get shot in the head point blank and just fall down dead with no bullet hole or anything.

The worst word said in the movie will be "crap"

To all the people getting upset about the people upset over the PG-13 rating, screw off. There was more than just violence in the AC games. There were sexual moments, there was language, the violence was more than just a blood spurt. I have played all the AC games since they came out, and I can tell you anyone saying that all that is shown is a blood spurt is not telling the truth. Makes me question whether they have played them at all. In AC (the first one), there's plenty of blood. AC III, lots of blood. Don't tell me there's no blood. This movie should be rated R. IT IS SET DURING THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! How can they PG-13 that bloodbath?

No, AC did screw themselves up a bit here by making a violent M rated video game where the purpose is running around assassinating people, that also happens to be set in one of the most bloody and horrific times in history, a PG-13 movie. Give me a flippin break.
