CGI is killing Movies

CGI is killing Movies


no it's not.


They made a point not to use a lot of CGI.

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


Correction: over-reliance and mis-use of CGI is killing movies.

This would seem obvious, yet so many "blockbusters" fall prey to the same mistakes. It's hard to fathom. So many directors/producers seem to think that all the audience wants is more, more, MORE stuff when it's clear characters have to be the draw. I'm reading that Assassin's Creed does nothing to get its audience to give a crap about any of its characters.

Even in a series as ridiculous as the Fast/Furious, the real draw is the chemistry developed by the cast. That may sound silly, but if they were to replace everyone and spend $300 mil on SFX, my bet is they'd have a giant flop on their hands.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


All the characters in the Furious movies are turds. Just show gone flying cars. Crap rap music and some black lingo and civilization' rejects will come a flocking.


Brilliant analysis. You, sir, are a wordsmith.

Sorry, but you're just wrong. Lots of movies try to rely on flashy effects, car chases, etc, and flop. Why? No-one's invested in the characters. You may not like them, but that doesn't change reality. There's a reason Tokyo Drift is the lowest grossing F&F film.

I had zero interest in this series until I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to the fourth or fifth one by my wife and her friends. Well, I'll be damned . . I actually managed to enjoy myself, despite a determination not to. You should try occasionally hanging out with some of us; what was that again? Oh, yes . . "civilations's rejects." Believe it or not, it's actually possible to enjoy disposable fluff like The Fast & The Furious and still appreciate "eat your veggies" movies, if that's your bag.

Although I'm not sure what "black lingo" you're on about. I doubt you really know either, but it felt good typing that, didn't it? You tell those black people what's up, yo!


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


PG13 AND CGI is killing Movies



Please stop posting obviously aggravating things on the Assassins Creed board. People are trying to have real conversations here.
