Fell asleep several times

I expected the movie to be amazing because Fassbender is such a great actor, but this movie totally fails to deliver.

It was very boring.

The action sequences were too short as well, last battle was great but it wasn't enough to save the movie.

And Talia... (marion) another boring performance.


There's help got narcolepsy.


PG13 ruined it!


You obviously has no idea who Marion Cotillard is in cinema world, which means you has no idea about cinema world either.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You obviously has no idea
Aaaaand you confirmed yourself an idiot.





I thought it was not that good either. I didn't sleep but I think if I had dozed off I wouldn't have missed much. The 20-something girl sitting down the row from me slept for at least a third of the movie. It just wasn't that good. If you get all of your enjoyment from running and fighting, you probably had a good time. But if you like a little dialogue and some believable plot... it just won't be your cup of tea. Or maybe coffee which would keep you awake....barely.


fell asleep several times

You should go see a doctor ASAP.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


I caught a few winks in the middle, very boring movie.
