Ignore the hate

Not sure to understand all the bad critics.

Movie's actually pretty good.

Seriously, a 7/10 on my scale.

It's well made, good fight sequences and it's clever.

It just doesn't make sense to have this rated lower than horrendous movies like Sucker's punch or Transformers... it should really be above the 50% RT scale.


You talk like Sucker Punch didn't get bad reviews and only the first Transformers got passable reviews.


That's correct.

I agree that first Transformers was fun.

The rest was garbage blockbusters and deserved the bad ratings, although some people can enjoy these kind of movies, nothing wrong with that.


It just doesn't make sense to have this rated lower than horrendous movies like Sucker's punch or Transformers... it should really be above the 50% RT scale.

As much as people hate to admit it, Transformers wasn't a bad movie. Empty and marketed heavily to a specific demographic but great at what it intended to accomplish.

Sucker Punch was more of an...acquired taste. It was trying VERY hard to be both comic book epic and artsy all at the same time. I liked it but I get the very mixed reviews.

Assassin's Creed gets bad reviews because it's lackluster and all over the place. It THRIVES in the past but INSISTS on showing us the present. It has great sequel potential as it's clear what doesn't work now. But, only the box office will be able to secure it a second go.



Box office revenue which it won't get. Nobody's going to see it now with the poor reviews, except maybe Assassin's Creed fans. It probably won't get a sequel, even though I hear that the script for the sequel was already in development during the production.


My hope is that having star power like Fassbender's name attached will carry it over. While is DOES have the stipulation of being a Video Game Movie (this alone turns off both gamers who've been through too many Uwe Boll movies and people who are avidly NOT fans of games), it does have the luxury of having some fairy respectable actors and a premise that's palatable for the casual movie goer.

My assumption is the film will break even in the US but do "well" internationally. From there, it's a basically a coin toss. Does the studio risk powering through with the script they've already developed or cut their losses and move on to the next possible franchise?

Sucks because if we DON'T get a sequel, these are some mistakes that can easily be fixed. In every review, there are consistent patterns to what people didn't like and almost all of them involve the present day scenes. Reviewers found the scenes flat, unnecessary, and distracting from the more interesting plots within the past. WHICH is also a criticism of the game. An easy fix would simply be to minimize those scenes, relegating them to very small cuts in the beginning, middle, and VERY end. Y'know, remind the audience its a simulation but don't beat us over the head with the politics of it all.





Given the source material, yes :)

I thought the back story was cleverly delivered to the big screen.

It has a nice sci-fi touch and a serious tone.

Maybe too serious for many people though.


I agree. I really don't understand the hate. Something is going on. I give it a 7.3

It is a well made movie. It is clever. Great fight sequences. It's NOT the worst movie of the year. Somebody has it out for this film or Fassbender himself.

The really low scores are BS!!!

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


Same here. I have never played or even seen the video game, and I'm a 50 y.o. female who prefers deeper movies... but this, action-wise, and fiction-wise, and editing, music... I felt the whole thing came together pretty darned well, considering the meek competition in the genre!

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I enjoyed it as well as did my son who played all the AC video games. In fact, we both wanted to see it again when it was over. Yes, the present day stuff wasn't as fun but the past stuff more than made up for it IMO.

I really, really hope that they do make a sequel. I would be very interested in seeing it as well as what they left on the cutting room floor.

"Everybody creates what they fear most."


I agree. If you do a twitter search on this movie, you'll see the majority of reactions from people who have seen it are positive. I really don't think it deserves the complete thrashing it received from critics.
