MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Zero chance Fassbender would want to ret...

Zero chance Fassbender would want to return for a sequel

He's an A-list actor who probably doesn't want to be the face of a bad franchise. Thats good though, he has more potential than to continue something that stumbled out the gate. who should they cast for the reboot?



Do you think Fassbender would want to return? He's a highly sought after actor so I don't see it happening even if this movie makes more than expected.



He said that if Justin Kurzel will direct the sequel he will return in the main role. And they had even planned the trilogy already.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Maybe if it makes Transformers numbers they'd overlook the reception and move forward with a sequel, but that won't happen.


Ubisoft has already said that they don't need this movie to be a hit.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Good thing, since it's gonna fail hard.


I imagine your anger when they'll announce that sequel has started the production with Kurzel, Fassbender and Cotillard on board. Oh, I would give many things only to watch on your face in this moment...

Nolan, I love you forever!


You seem almost as confident as you were that this film would be well received. And look how that turned out.


Hey, a sequel is very possible. That's what direct to DVD is for. Bloodrayne, for example.


The fact that I was wrong about the critics doesn't mean that I am wrong about you.

Nolan, I love you forever!


The fact that I was right about critics most certainly doesn't mean I'm wrong about you either. So?

Also we weren't talking about me, we were taking about this film's doomed sequel.


Again, I will look at your reaction while Ubisoft will announce that after their next game's success.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I actually hope they get a sequel to tell you the truth. I'm just saying it's not likely, kid.


The thing is is I don't hate Princ of Persia. Think It's a solid film with a fair amount of flaws. The problem I have is refusal by filmmakers to make these adaptations longer than 2 hours. Like this film HAS to be close to 2 and half hours. Just based on source material alone. I'm working on an adaptation of Star Fox and in no way would I allow it to be shorter than 2 hrs 35 mins because of the material I want to cover.

Runtime doesnt make or break a film. But the video game adaptations call for it. You know how much more plot, character development, etc. you could get out of that runtime?

It made sense to make Prince of Persia just under 2 hrs since it was its own story (on purpose I may point out) that borrowed elements heavily from the games. The story they created felt ok for getting in under 2 hours. But imagine if that film had followed the actual plot of the game and it was still 116 min. I would have been *beep*


It will probably bomb and then there's not going to be a sequel. That's why I wasn't interested in all those news articles where Michael Fassbender said that they planned a trilogy.


Ubisoft is keen on making this a trilogy. And they need to expand on new markets, like film market, not to get sucked up by Vivendi. So they will greenlit the sequel even if the movie doesn't do so well both critically and financially.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Fassbender likely wouldn't return.


Fassbender is in Assassin's Creed because he is passionate about the concept and ideas of it, not because of money or something else. So if there will be a sequel (with Kurzel at the helm), he will return as well.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I doubt an A list actor wants to be the next Mila Jovavich. If he comes back for a sequel he would be downgrading himself as an actor.


I doubt that working for passion and belief rather than money and fame is "downgrading" an actor.

Nolan, I love you forever!


It is if it's for movies audiences aren't asking for.


Audience is a group of people, which means there will be ones which will ask for it after they see the first one. No matter how terrible the movie is, it will find its viewer. Transformers does. Marvel does. New Star Wars does. Even Uwe Boll did (before he announced the end of his director career). And why Assassin's Creed shouldn't?

Nolan, I love you forever!


It has found it's target demo: inbred closet pedos.


But you don't seem to like this!

Nolan, I love you forever!


This is what you're reduced to now, kid. No wonder you think trash is art.


So why do you waste your precious time on me, you little poverty?

Nolan, I love you forever!


Another formal noun. GT ain't helping you here, kiddo.


I'm not using GT you, man-child.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Is it the non-union Mexican equivalent? El Google Translato!


shut up you don't know anything


He will return for the sequels.
*beep* what you think.


There will be. Not by Fox, but by Ubisoft.

Nolan, I love you forever!



Bc those movies have been good (Maybe not Xmen Apocalypse but the other 2 are great.)


And they make money. AC doesn't look like it'll be #1 or even #2


DoFP was kinda meh like Apocalypse. What made it seen as good as X2 was the return of the original cast, a whole lot of scenes ripped from X2 and an out of character Quicksilver. Notice when they didn't bring back the OC Apocalypse didn't do so well.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


I'm just gonna say it, this movie will be the end of Michael Fassbender's career as we know it. There's always that one movie that derails an actor's career and this one is Fassbender's.


I don't think so, he just needs to do another Oscar bait film to bounce back.


Shut up.
All actors do bad movies sometimes.
A list or Z list



You're uninformed,sis... there will be sequel, it will be a trilogy.
It does not matter if this first is good or not.
Deal with it.


You're uninformed,sis... there will be sequel, it will be a trilogy.
It does not matter if this first is good or not
it has to make money to have a shot. Not looking promising, kid, sorry to say.

