Screed Gives Hope

Like any adaptation of a video game, the audience will never fit into any set pattern or standard model. In the case of this one, players can have spent literally their entire waking lives within the open worlds and rooftops before getting coaxed into a theater seat.

This film has a pedigree of excellence that will lure me into buying a ticket, even though it is set in neither the Crusades, Classic Venice nor Dickensian London (those being the only three Screed scenarios that I have lived within) and I can't imagine any currently working critic entering this scenario under similar conditions.


Hey look, another dead account defending Asses Crap. Shocking.

Hope they paid you up front, shill, 'cause it's gonna crash and burn with these costs.


"Assess Crap" is very funny I must admit. Did you see it tho or you just follow "proffesional critics" like dumb sheep and dont want to make your own opinion? :O If you saw it, take no offense - if you didnt, take it.


I'm here for the fanwanking and keening I knew was coming. Guessing this was going to suck? Knew that when it was announced, just like Warcraft. See, they aren't just trying to make a big budget video game adaption, they are trying to make one with global appeal for all cultures and languages. They want the Transformers 4 of VG films. So even if they pull it off it's destined to be awful.

And it opens here tomorrow. Heck, if it's so bad it's funny I may even go.


No, you're just here to be a *beep* prick. There's absolutely nothing wrong with fans being fanboys over the first film adaptation based on a game they love, and if you're going onto this page to specifically target said fans, you're just being an *beep* It would be like going on the Star Wars page and talking *beep* to the people excitedly gushing about the film, when they are at the appropriate place to do such. Just make an effort to acknowledge the irony of speaking about fans of this film as if they are dweebs or have no lives, while you yourself are taking time out of your day to talk *beep* about people for liking a property you clearly have no interest in in the first place.


I can't understand people who are feeling fantastic because something fails or is getting bad reviews.
Why waste your time on something you hate?
Don't you have something better to do?
Ok, you don't like this movie, we get it.
Everybody has their opinion and that is good.
But why waste your time on being happy because something failed?
Is that so entertaining?
that's really sad and pathetic


you dont have to be a fan of the games to like the movie, you also dont have to be a prick because people disagree with you
just saw the movie and while its not a great movie i reckon its a fairly good one and i liked it overall


Every body, watch the movie before you talk *beep*


Sorry friend but if this piece of utter turd means to give hope, then you have a lot to go as game movie industry lol.
