MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Why did people think this would be good?

Why did people think this would be good?

It's a video game adaptation, and there hasn't been a SINGLE good one in history. Why did people think Assassin's Creed would be the exception? Because it has a good director? So did Warcraft. Because it has Michael Fassbender? So did Prometheus. Because it's based on a good video game? So was Prince of Persia.

People just never learn.


Be optimistic friend. I know it is hard in these troubled times but I still have faith. :)


I take it you still haven't checked Rotten Tomatoes.


I'm already over this. I'm looking forward to the other games that still have potential. Assassin's Creed had potential but I feel it was almost like a plot from a cheesy 80s movie in many ways. It's obvious games can be adapted into films easily, you just have to find a good enough concept for one. It doesn't have to be elaborate like this one. Id say something like Heavy Rain or even a Fallout game if they got the right tone.


Personally I don't read reviews as I, instead, have my own mind so make my OWN decision.


Yeah I agree.



excalibur 1814:

Reading what others have to say about something doesn't mean they decide what your opinion is, genius.


Some people, let's call them barely literate inbred morons, decide to like a film before actually seeing it, or even it's trailer. And then deny reality even if they end up seeing it and hating it. In order to save face, I assume.

I love people like this, so entertaining. It's why I come to boards like this.


Its impossible to make a good Video Game movie. It will never happen. It CAN't be done FACT.


Yes it can be done! The problem is the writer or the director.

Let's take Snyder and Nolan. Ask both to write a script for a video game movie. Fact is Nolan will do it better no matter what. His reviews will be much much higher. The thing is for some odd reason, the writers and directors of all video game movies are all average directors and writers, hence movies are average or below average.

If one good writer will team up with one good director, we will have the best video game movie ever! Guaranteed! But it won't happen anytime soon probably thanx to this AC movie.


Justin Kurzel is an average director? WTF?

Nolan, I love you forever!


Some people, let's call them barely literate inbred morons, decide to hate a film before actually seeing it, or even it's trailer. And then deny reality even if they end up seeing it and liking it. In order to save face, I assume.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Squawk! goes the parrot. Hey, what "you're" saying might work better if Asses Crap wasn't currently being eviscerated on RT. 20%, heh. And a 13 TC. Awww, need a hanky, kiddo.


Did you know that static refers to people who call other people "kiddo" to be kiddos themselves?

Well, unlike you, I have a brain to form by own opinion about just like anything, and do not depend on someone other's opinion like critic's one.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Ah, that old lame argument "think fer yourself, don't trust da bribed critics!". That idiotic tactic ain't ever gonna work, kiddo. Critical consensus can help you dodge turd bombs like Asses Crap. Thank god for that. Now weep for me some more, twit, 'cause your precious movie is a bag of donkey cocks. It amuses me.


Law Abiding Citizen has 25% critics rate on RT, and it's one of the best thrillers in the world. Thanks god I have my own brains to judge movies, because it's why they are being made, idiotic troll.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I'm aligned with the critical consensus, kiddo, so that makes you the troll.


So you has finally admitted that you don't have your own opinion. Great.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You has finally admitted, huh. You just hit fifth grade and said that's good er nuff fer meez, right. And kiddo, anybody with half a brain could predict Asses Crap was going to be a sloppy cinematic abortion. That's not an opinion, fatty, it's just common sense.


The only abortion here is you.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Wow, quite the comeback, kiddo. So much thought out into it. No wonder you like crap.


And you obviously like movies so horrible and disgusting that you are even ashamed to give them a rating here.

Nolan, I love you forever!


That's right, try and jumpstart a new argument because you've been destroyed in the current one. Awww, am I not living up to the "hights" of your amazing example, kid.


I'm really sorry for people around you. They should feel themselves so uncomfortable.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Another non-argument. Failure is an art form for you, huh, kiddo. Explains why you think Asses Crap is good.


You keep repeating yourself more often than Marvel movies, Umbragom-ignoramus.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Ask the same stupid question, expect the same reply. Unless you're crazy, kiddo. Which would explain your terrible taste.


I do not ask you anything, because I know that there won't be any adequate reply, moron.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Call me a poverty again, kiddo. Heh, you're the barely literate moron. No wonder you think crap is art.


This happens for every movie. It gets way too hyped up and people think it's gonna be the best of all time, then reality hits and all of a sudden everyone hates it.


Not every movie. Mostly just the craptastic ones.


Solution: Get the people who actually wrote the games story to adapt it to movie format, 95% of games now have cutscenes, Stretch


The Prince Of Persia movie wasn't all that bad! It was pretty decent for video game adaptation.


That's like saying that lump of dog crap doesn't taste as bad as all the other ones. You're still eating dog crap.

