RT score going Up

It was at 19 but as of now has a 26 which is equal to Warcrafts score. May actually not be a horrible movie


Aww, but will it still be laughably funny.


You know things are bad when some people consider 26% to be not "horrible".

Raging Bull = Best movie


LOL thats so true. I was just looking at the score now and thinking "hmm if it reaches 30% maybe I should give it a go?" But honestly I'm waiting until the 25th to decide. It all depends on RT final score with IMDB score. If the public likes it I might go and see it.


You should see it


If you're on the fence, you should see it and judge for yourself.


Just saw it tonight I found it to be a great movie could've been exceptional but still entertaining and looking forward to sequels


I was pleased to see it going up as well until I realized how sad it was that I was actually happy about a 26% rating
