MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > For People bashing AC you do know

For People bashing AC you do know

their is only a 10% difference between this and Passengers 21% to 31%, who think Passengers will make more opening weekend.Why do yall keep thinking JL is some HUGE box office draw???? If it aint got Hunger Games in the title she can't do jack at the box office, and i see way more interest in this flick than passengers. Again i know it had way more hype but all the negative reviews didnt hurt Suicide Squad which i thought was garbage(i know it had a huge fall in it's 2nd week).I say give it a chance , i would like to see some people watch it first and then say if they like it or not .For all the hate Warcraft got by critics i really enjoyed it and didnt think it was that bad of a movie. Just sick how now everybody goes by RT. Critics are known for bashing Video Game movies anyway , don't see why some people just don't get that . So if both films coming out are getting bashed what makes you think they will see one over the other????or will they just go see Rogue One for the 18th time???


Just sick how now everybody goes by RT.
what do you mean by "goes by"?
Critics are known for bashing Video Game movies
Video game movies are known to suck ass.


what do you mean by "goes by"?

On rather or not they will watch a movie instead of making up their own mind, some people are just sheep who do what others tell them to do . Like "HOLLYWOOD" OR THE "MEDIA"

Video game movies are known to suck ass.

There have been a few good ones,teenage mutant ninja turtles(1990, only the first one)Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat,Tomb Raider,Warcraft and Prince of Persia(i at least both liked)Doom was ok . Max Payne ,Street Fighter,Double Dragon,Super Mario Bros were Awful tho.


On rather or not they will watch a movie instead of making up their own mind
They make up their own minds by accumulating how the trailers look and word of mouth which critics contribute to but not solely. Maybe some "sheep" take the RT score at face value, but none here have explicitly said that they do so I don't know who you're trying to call out.

There have been a few good ones,teenage mutant ninja turtles
The ninja turtles aren't based on a video game. They were first seen in comics.
Mortal Kombat,Tomb Raider,Warcraft and Prince of Persia
Maybe as a gamer you like those but they aren't good movies. MK had no idea how tournaments work and that's what the whole plot is apparently about. Tomb Raider was forgettable and they're already going to reboot it. Warcraft was a mess and Prince of Persia was so meh it didn't warrant a sequel. AC seems to be just another Prince of Persia except the primary complaint is that it's dull.


They make up their own minds by accumulating how the trailers look.....but none here have explicitly said that they do so I don't know who you're trying to call out.

You already answered your own question in your response back, i think judging a entire movie by a 2-4 minute trailer is just as bad.

Maybe some "sheep" take the RT score at face value

The ninja turtles aren't based on a video game. They were first seen in comics.

Yes i know that , but they also have been in a ton of games as well , so that justifies my reason for putting them in

Maybe as a gamer you like those but they aren't good movies. MK had no idea how tournaments work and that's what the whole plot is apparently about. Tomb Raider was forgettable and they're already going to reboot it. Warcraft was a mess and Prince of Persia was so meh it didn't warrant a sequel. AC seems to be just another Prince of Persia except the primary complaint is that it's dull.

To each his own i guess


You already answered your own question in your response back
I actually didnt ask a question. So you agree with me that people are indeed making up their own minds. Good, glad that's covered. You should edit your original post and correct yourself.
i think judging a entire movie by a 2-4 minute trailer is just as bad
They aren't judging an entire movie on aspects of pacing, cinematography, dialogue, action sequences, etc. They are simply judging whether or not they want to see the film. That's what trailers are for . If they weren't, you'd have everyone buying a ticket for everything and that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes i know that , but [ninja turtles] also have been in a ton of games as well , so that justifies my reason for putting them in
Yes, then I suppose Spider-Man Homecoming will be considered a video game movie too? He's been in a ton of video games. So have the X-Men. I guess when you put it that way, there are plenty of good video game movies. Well done.


Lol Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a comic.....?


Passengers isn't "better" because it's not a video game move with JLaw, it's just another awful film that sucks slightly less. It's like Crapengers is like a pimple on your shoulder, while Asses Crap is a rectal cyst. One sucks more than another, but you certainly don't want either.


And you didn't watch either of them. I guess you don't have your own brain but let the critics' brains think for you instead.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You guess incorrectly, kid. He explicitly refers to a consensus opinion. You cannot refer to your own opinion when consensus has deeper meaning and holds more water objectively.

I get it, you're trying to shame people and assert a superiority because you're using your adorable brain to make up your own mind about a film, but you're heavily biased and in denial. You can't shame people for not throwing their hard earned cash at what looks, walks and and sounds like a duck buried in horse *beep*


And consensus is written by who? Universal intelligence who knows no mistakes? Answer to me, donkey.

The only thing where Assassin's Creed looks, walks and sounds like a duck buried in horse is your own silly head. Get over it. You even wrote "and" twice because you are so hatred about this movie. It's disgusting.

Nolan, I love you forever!


And consensus is written by who? Universal intelligence who knows no mistakes?
Consensus is made up by statistics. So no, saying only 1 out of 5 people recommend a movie is not a mistake. Sad I had to spoon feed that to you. You need an education, kid.

The only thing where Assassin's Creed looks, walks and sounds like a duck buried in horse is your own silly head
My head is informed. Yours is in denial. FACT.
You even wrote "and" twice because you are so hatred about this movie. It's disgusting.
Now you're being overly dramatic. Get over it, kid.


Gosh, you're more dumb that I thought...

Consensus is a text, so it's being written by somebody. Don't you get that?

I don't deny the fact that the majority of movie critics didn't like it. I deny the fact that it's a bad movie, because I didn't watch it.

Why watch movies at all then? You, cowboy, should probably just stick with RT/MetaCritic and only track the movie ratings and do not watch anything by yourself AT ALL. Wouldn't that be okay for you?

I'm not dramatic, it's you who are spending his whole day on the board of the movie writing negative comments for no reason.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Gosh, you're more dumb that I thought
"Dumber" would have been the correct usage there, also maybe the word "than" but continue, please. I wouldn't point it out if it weren't so ironic.

Consensus is a text, so it's being written by somebody. Don't you get that?
I was talking about the statistical definition of "consensus" not RT's specific meaning of the word. "Consensus" does not have to be written - the consensus is that more people would not recommend the film compared to those who would. That isn't opinion, that is fact.

I don't deny the fact that the majority of movie critics didn't like it. I deny the fact that it's a bad movie, because I didn't watch it.
Then make a thread about how important your opinion is to you. Pointing out what the consensus is doesn't mean everyone must agree. You're treating it like it is though, and you're not happy about it being talked about.

Why watch movies at all then? You, cowboy, should probably just stick with RT/MetaCritic and only track the movie ratings and do not watch anything by yourself AT ALL. Wouldn't that be okay for you
As completely sound and not infantile your argument is, I'd have to say I do not think I'll be doing that. I think I'll go with my instinct and choose which movies to watch. Don't you worry about that.

I'm not dramatic, it's you who are spending his whole day on the board of the movie writing negative comments for no reason
Your writing says otherwise. Using words like "disgusting" to describe the messanger ofsimple truth (read: poor reviews are in) is dramatic. Your very upset and you've lost all composure in your writing. Very sad.



I'm not dramatic, it's you who are spending his whole day on the board of the movie writing negative comments

That's just RICH.

A guy who spent entire months hating on Warcraft now tells us to back off from his precious little movie?

Na. Go fck yourself, gstards. AC blows and no amount of salt coming from you will fix that.


That's just what box office analysts are predicting based on various factors, and I doubt they're too far off the mark here. JL has about as much box office draw as MF does, plus she has CP in her corner as well. I don't really see any more interest in Assassin's Creed than Passengers, in fact, I see Passengers enjoying a bit of an upswing at the moment.

Suicide Squad is really one of those 'too big to fail' movies, and it had very little competition for an unusually long time at the box office. I agree that it sucked, but I don't think Assassin's Creed will be as resilient as Suicide Squad was at the box office.

I decide what I want to watch based on trailers. Why should I throw my money at any and every movie just for the heck of it? If they can't sell me a movie with five or so minutes of footage, then I'm not buying a ticket for it. Simple. RT doesn't even factor into it. There were already way too many red flags for me to convince me to spend my money on this, even before the RT reviews came in. Which sucks, because I'd love to see a decent adaption of it done one day.

They'll probably go see Rogue One again.


The marketing and hype behind passengers is stroger than Assassins Creed. That movie has a chance to not bomb. This has a huge chance of bombing because nobody cares about it.


They are both bombing , i just tend to think AC will bomb less.


Have you even seen the movie yet?
