MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Bad reviews, $200M budget AND it opens a...

Bad reviews, $200M budget AND it opens a week after Rogue One?!

That's a formula for box office disaster.


Embargo ends later today.


Day's over.

"By law you have to call it a lair if you use it to torture people." Douglas Davenport


What do you mean it's over? It's 10:00 AM Monday morning where I live, which is sort of the same time zone as the UK where they said that the embargo would end at 6:00 PM. Maybe you're not taking time zones into account?



Nope its not a formula for disaster. It's gonna be good


As good as your grammar and syntax, kiddo.


Well english ain't my first language so that means nothing.

Movie is gonna be good. A 6,5 and 3 out of 3 stars ain't something you can call bad.


There's no periods at the end of sentences in your language, kid. It does mean something.


Nope it doesn't.


Sure it does, kid. It means you can't be bothered to construct your replies properly, so why should anybody care about your personal opinion. It goes to credibility and that's all you have on a message board.


It goes to credibility and that's all you have on a message board.

Yes, and message boards also tend to have trolls. Like you.


Because I called him out for bad grammar and syntax. Well, I see him putting a period at the end of his sentences now, so that's my point proved. I'm quite the troll, what with the helping him out and all. Crap or not, this board is about to become a lot more active, he should thank me.


Yes, and message boards also tend to have trolls. Like you.

I am a troll, I live in a hole
With a pale yellow flag on a weird little pole
I sit at a screen, all angry and mean
Venting hostility, hatred and spleen
I am a troll with a miserable soul
Making you miserable too is my goal--Umbragom


Having wronggrammar doesn't make my opinion non valid.


Keep telling yourself that, kiddo. And there should be a space between wrong and grammar. Again, exactly what language do you speak that requires such sloppy typing.


There's no periods at the end of sentences in your language, kid. It does mean something.

And you're calling out someone else for having bad grammar. 


Never said I was perfect, but at least I know what a period is. And spaces. Can't we at least have basic standards.


So I guess it also doesn't matter that you don't know what a question mark is.


Except I do. It's an affectation I occasionally employ, not to use it where normally required, to imply sarcasm for those able to detect it. You know, to ask a question when the answer is actually assumed to be implied. See, this is a message board, and so you learn to adapt. Next tell me how not putting spaces between words and omitting a period is somehow the same thing. Yeah, no, it's not.

The jackass claimed that was due to his first language not being English, hah! What a load of crap. He's a moron.


1. Forgetting a space is a common mistake and could've just been a typo
2. There are a lot of people on these boards who don't speak English as a first language.


But he actually claimed it was due to English not being his first language. His words.


"No reviews, $200M budget AND it opens a week after Rogue One?!"

Space Rain, your opening post is one of the best posts that I have ever read on IMDB!!!!!!! At some point you have to wonder how many bombs Fassbender is allowed??
