MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > IGN gave it a 6.5/10 but it is negative ...

IGN gave it a 6.5/10 but it is negative of RT?



The movie has 6.5/10 by IGN because one person from IGN reviewed the movie. Rotten Tomatoes does not review movies, the website gathers reviews by a bunch of critics and gives out percentages of critics who gave the movies positive reviews. When it says Assassin's Creed currently has 17% on Rotten Tomatoes, it just means 4 out of 19 critics liked the movie.


Yes, but he's asking why that particular review counts as "rotten" when they rated it 6.5 out of 10.


^ thank you.


Each critic has their own threshold of what constitutes "fresh" and "rotten" on their personal scales. RT does not decide for them.

A reviewer who gives A-F grades to films might consider a "C" fresh but another who uses the same grading scale might consider it rotten. Either way they decide for themselves whether they recommend the film or consider it rotten.


Maybe because critics are not going to follow other critics' footsteps. People are not going to say something is good or bad just because other people say it's good or bad.

IGN and Rotten Tomatoes have nothing to do with each other.


I'm somewhat befuddled by your response, nor does it answer the question. Nobody is talking about the Rotten Tomatoes website and nobody is talking about how the reviewer forms his or her opinion. We're talking about one particular review and why the author of that review does not recommend the movie despite rating it 6.5 out of 10.


Ohhh, I get it now, you didn't even watch IGN's review of Assassin's Creed. No worries. Here you go!

You do know IGN has its own youtube channel, right?


6.5 is just "okay" on their scale and it also depends on the author. Usually for IGN ratings, anything rated 7 and above is good.


Why would you ever trust IGN for reviews?? They gave Vacation and Independence Day 8/10's. RT is just a roundup of all major critics reviews.
