Friendly Reminder

I know there seem to be some polarizing reviews right now, good and bad. Now, I'm not about to argue that reviews in general don't matter- of course they do, and they are important for getting unsure people into the theaters for the film.

Here's what I want to say: Let's remember to give it a chance before writing it off. Even if the bad reviews pan out, it's very possible for a film to be good despite limited character development- Marvel continues to have a serious issue with one-dimensional villains (with Loki being the overall exception). But pretty much all of the MCU films are still great in spite of this.

It's basically already a given that Assassin's Creed is a good movie for fans, but I'm more interested to see what the non-fans think. For my part, I'll be going to see the movie with two people who don't even play games at all. They are movie buffs, so I look forward to seeing what they think.

Regardless, my point here is this: Reviews are (usually) helpful supplements that let you decide whether to go see a movie or not. You may agree or disagree with any review, good or bad. What matters is what you think and whether you personally like it. :)


All hail this post.

It makes 100% sense.


Thanks my friend!!


I agree with everything you said about reviews. Warcraft was also a good movie for fans if you consider their early reactions. However, I said this before and I'll say it again, in order for us to say that the video game movie "curse" is broken, it has to be one that appeals to critics, fans and general audiences alike.


Thanks for the kind words! I agree, it needs to be overwhelmingly positive for the curse to break. But Ubisoft is the master of making sequels WAY better than their first installments, so as long as they are able to make another one, I think the next one could be the curse-breaker (worst case scenario, in which neither this film nor any other game films do before the second film).
