I'm done

This was probably the one game series with the most material to make a quality movie with. They messed it up bad. I cannot comprehend what made them think that their script was ok. With the poor critical reception this movie will Flop hard. I have little faith in the film industry now.


I blame ninja_coola and other fake fans like him. True fans agree this looked bad from the get go but cheerleaders like ninja_coola made the filmmakers think they were on the right path. Good job, kid.



I mean come on! Every true fan of the games knew it could be an excellent movie and if the filmmakers were true fans they could've crafted it well. I think the main issue is that they tried to do their own story not directly based off the games. Without the cinematic story already made in the games they made a subpar story with random plot points taken out of the games. Why??? If they we going to break the video game film curse they have to stick with the good story the games crafted.


Why don't you watch it and see if you like it? Don't let the critics (many of whom don't know the games) drive you away from it.


Finally someone is talking sence


Finally someone is talking sence
Of only everyone had as much "sence" as you, iyadhusseinjt.



I normally do and have my own opinions but I know my opinions are not normally shared by everyone. I just hope that for the movies I like that they could be universally liked.


You don't have to "know a game" to know that shakey cam action is terrible and boring characters are boring.




AC 2 had nice revenge story. What made it great was something that most people skip, or don't even know that there was such a thing. Hell, even after AC 1 the only thing in story what kept is alive was all the mystery, hidden clues etc. Glyphs in AC 2 and story behind them was amaiznig - true, this type of storytelling can't be translated into movie. Other than that, yeah, it was only a nice revenge story with historical elements (strongest thing in this game)

When they said that only 30-35% of the movie will be in the past, I just ignore that this movie exist. Fassbender is my fav actor right now, Macbeth was in my Top 5 movie in 2015, but it just looked bad. Maybe not bad in the way of other ridiculous bad game movie but in very boring way.


I will choose if I like this movie or not if like it and I give it a 7/10 it's my right to do so.

I never ever took a critics review as a grade meter. If I did I would never have loved Army of darkness
