Another review

Its 115-minute running could sorely have needed an extra 30 or so, to fill in the gaping gaps in its worldbuilding and allow its characters and narrative room to breathe and develop organically.

As I said.


But still the review is overall positive with 3 stars


the review was still overall positive though. However, I'd like to mention that it's a South African film critic who also gave Warcraft a positive review. Why wasn't this posted posted in my other thread? Okay, I'll edit my first post to include it.


A movie like this doesn't really need world building when it has like 8 games behind it, that are all canon to the universe of the movie


Kinda agree with you.


A movie like this doesn't really need world building when it has like 8 games behind it, that are all canon to the universe of the movie

Totally true . . if the only audience you care about pleasing is gamers. To everyone else, the notion of "canon" is irrelevant at best and gut-bustingly hilarious at worst. I'd like to go see this with my son, who's played all the games, and not feel like I need his running commentary to explain what's going on or provide context.

The absolute worst thing filmmakers can do when creating video-game adaptations (or comic-book adaptations, for that matter) is worry too-much about what True Believers think.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.



Runtime so far is my only complaint about this film.

Nolan, I love you forever!


The movie is quite terrible. Another bad review:
