Tried SO hard...

I really tried to find ANY redeeming quality about this movie but I just cant. It baffles me thinking how the directors (same as original!) were watching playback and thought this was at all acceptable or funny. At first I thought it was maybe I loved the 1st so much more because I was much younger but than I re watched it and that didn't hold up. The story was terrible. The acting was some of the worst I have ever seen. The first one Jim and Jeff played the roles a lot more loosely and the script was just a fun light hearted comedy. In the sequel I was cringing at how forced and unfunny it was. I was thinking were the actors really having fun and proud of this? And when did Jim Carey's character become such an A-hole! The original he was dumb but seemed to have a good heart but in the sequel he was just perverted and mean which made him completely unlikable. It changed the whole dynamic and made things even weird at points. I loved the 1st. After hearing all the bad reports about this I held off watching it and figured I would be in the minority and find something good about it. Boy I was never more wrong. Huge disappointment.


Agreed.. I was 13 when the first one came out and I saw it twice in the theater... I only made it through half of this. I couldn't do it to myself. Terrible!



I pretty much screwed everything up you said eyetooth despise dumb and dumber to,I also agree that Lloyd in this movie was mean and it fla I also agree that Lloyd in this movie was mean and massively immature in the original what he was a nice kindhearted guy sure he was dumb but he was a nice likable character in the original. I'm one of the people who prefer the original dumb and dumber over the sequel.


You're no fun!


Agreed with everything you said. Had no heart like the original. No funny jokes, crude jokes for the sake of being crude, scenes that didn't fit, awful digital filming, fake looking sets, nothing felt like the original. Farrelly brothers haven't made a decent movie since There's Something About Mary. Shallow Hal wasn't good. Stuck on Me? Please. Three Stooges?! Awful. They need to hang it up, and hang it up fast. Dumb and Dumber To was the worst movie I've seen in the past Ten years at least


Sure this one is a bit sillier than the first, but if the first came out in 2014 exactly how it was in 1994, it probably wouldn't have gotten that many good reviews because that comedy is different from today's.


To add on, today's comedy is mostly vulgar and outrageous in which Dumb and Dumber is more subtle. Even Dumb and Dumber To is not as vulgar and ridiculous as most of the comedies of today.


Fever Pitch was actually pretty good if you like baseball type movies. Shallow Hal was funny and good. Three Stooges was alright, enjoyed it. it's just a movie first of all


There's only 1 real D&D. The first one. This was done to please the fans, and help Carrey's career.


Re: It's not THAT bad

by rportexxtra » Wed Dec 7 2016 22:07:01
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IMDb member since October 2015
Post Edited: Sat Dec 10 2016 04:23:54
I think it is a worthy sequel to the original but the way it was released it was really sloppily edited, it was littered with throwaway dialogue and other bits that just really didn't belong. I made an alternate cut truncating all the excess fat and parts that present Lloyd to be uncharacteristically cold-hearted/mean-spirited, and I think the result is a much more watchable follow up (to the theatrical version of the original, the official version to me feels more like a love letter to the unrated). I wonder if that could have been a contributing factor in why there was so much hate, the way a movie is presented (even just one little lapse) can really determine its tone as a whole and I wonder if it would have been more widely revered if it were edited most properly. If you would like to see it you can just leave or PM me your email and I'll send it, and I would love to hear what you think 😀
