MovieChat Forums > Dumb and Dumber To (2014) Discussion > I don't understand ppl that say this mov...

I don't understand ppl that say this movie is as funny as the first

It's like "how can you think that?"

Dumb and Dumber 2 totally ruined the characters of Harry and LLoyd. They made them too over the top dumb.
Come on, all the stuff Harry and LLoyd did in they would have NEVER done in the first movie. Or had been as mean-spirited and dislikable.

Harry and Lloyd may say and do dumb things, but that is because of miscommunication errors and of being oblivious of their effects on people.
Examples from first movie:
-Lloyd confusing Australia with Austria
- LLoyd not looking on the road as he was talking to Mary as driving
- Harry and Lloyd dressing up colorfully over the top at the gala
- LLoyd accidently taking the wrong lane direction while driving
- Harry and Lloyd being oblivous of their obnoxious behavior around the bad guy who was ready to shoot them

It's like the Farrelly brothers, the writers and even Carrey and Daniels seemed to have forgot how they played the characters and how to do the movie.
It's like in the first one, while Harry and Lloyd said and did dumb things, but they could still function in society, have jobs [Harry started his own business], and live in their own apartment [and pay bills].
In this, they were too dumb to function. Harry and LLoyd really did not know what sex is! They really believed the dead dad on the other phone gag! And they would not have been gross enough [and most cringe worthy scene] to put their fingers- and the beer scene! They would have NEVER done any of that in the first movie. It's like because the word "dumb" is in the title, that's where the humor is. But the humor was not just simple "dumb" humor.

Harry and LLoyd were likable characters with good intentions. While they may not win medals for respectful behavior, they would have never went out of their way to be rude to people intentionally. [Ex, pushing girls into bushes, lighting the guy on fire, yelling out "show us your tits" in public].

Dumb and Dumber 2 is so bad because of how it ruins the characters. It's almost best to acknowledge that this movie doesn't exist. The creators, writers, and even Carrey and Daniels, it's hard to believe they wouldn't have known better. If they had stuck to the type of humor in the first movie, this would have been a worthy follow up that might have been somewhat worth the wait. Now knowing what the sequel is like, 20 years after the first one, had you asked a fan before if they should do a sequel, after seeing this, the answer should be no.

If you think the first one is a classic, surely you can see the big differences between this and the sequel, then you should probably strongly dislike this movie.



There was also some really awkward, disgusting and perverted "humor". I love the first movie but this... good god!
They definitely ruined the characters. There were some deleted scenes in the first movie where bith guys were too mean spirited. In this film both were mean spirited almost all the time. The directors/writers didn't understand AT ALL what made the first movie so likable. I'm not sure if Carrey or Daniels understood that either.


Answer: Nostalgia goggles.

It pains them to admit that Dumb and Dumber Too was terrible.


Relax, it wasn't that bad.


I agree with the OP. The writing and humor in this movie IS garbage. In the original dumb and dumber movie Harry and Lloyd where likable characters in this one they were excessively dumb and stupid and mean spirited and rude theives.


Completely agree with the OP. Nothing like the original. Completely different movie. It was horrendous. I am so mad that this was made. Everyone tried way too hard and I didn't laugh once! God awful movie


anyone that likes 2 as much or more than one must be hitting the pipe pretty hard


You are so right. Never go full retard. Jim and Jeff's acting is embarassing and the writing is horrible. Harry is supposed to be dumb but charming... Let's make it a quarter til 8, Ok we'll make it 7:45.

This movie is a disgrace.


Hit the nail on the head OP. I just kept hoping and praying the movie would get better as it went. It didn't. In the original neither character would've went out of their way to deliberately hurt someone like they did in this film. Everything they did was because they weren't smart enough to know otherwise. In this film they're self aware and do mean spirited things on purpose. I thought with all the original people back it would be a great sequel. But no. The prequel that had none of the original people got the characters down better than this movie did. How sad. And I thought Jim Carrey would only do a sequel if it was good. He should've stuck to his guns about not doing sequels. Ace 2 wasn't bad but it also was made very soon after the first. I truly believe if a comedy came out more than five years just don't make a sequel. There's never been a comedy sequel made that far apart that was good. There might be one lone exception but I can't think of one.
